[kictanet] [Skunkworks] Globe-trotting CA executives pocket Sh307m in one year

Mwendwa Kivuva Kivuva at transworldafrica.com
Mon Oct 5 14:43:40 EAT 2015

Alex, is there a vacancy? I seriously would not mind working at CA :) Those
allowances jo.


We certainly need Kenyans to attend the said meetings. Imagine an ITU or
CTO, or IGF or Plenipot or ICANN's GAC without a Kenyan delegation? It
would rubbish our claim as being the "Silicon Savannah". Should we vilify
those allowances? Ask Sarah Serem and the SRC. It's SRC that rationalized
those allowances.

BUT with the same ZEAL CA are dining mid air, can they ensure USF are
implemented. Yes, USF, USF, USF.

And after airing the allowances for all and sundry, expect every politician
to get 5 relatives employed in CA. So in two years time, the staff of 180
will be 1000.

Francis Wangusi, the CA director-general, for instance, earned a total of
Sh6.1 million in per diem in the year to June 2015, topping the list of
managers who made a fortune out of travel allowances.

The report shows that Mr Wangusi made 16 trips and was away from office for
105 days of the year.

Peris Nkonge, the authority’s director of finance and accounting, was
second in the pecking order having pocketed Sh5.7 million in travel
allowances from nine trips.

“Local per diem rates have been enhanced and if left unchecked, the number
of travel and allowances are getting out of control,” the auditors warned.

The CA pays its executives an average of Sh10,675 per day in per diems for
local travel while foreign travel is paid at between $400 (Sh41,700) and
$1,000 (Sh104,200) per day depending on the city and country visited.

The list of top travel allowance beneficiaries includes Matano Ndaro, the
director of competition affairs, who pocketed Sh5.6 million followed by
Martin Ngesa, the assistant director in charge of postal licensing and
compliance (Sh5.4 million), Rachel Alwala, the assistant director,
e-commerce (Sh4.8 million), and Gababo Wako (Sh4.7 million).

Other senior managers who strained the CA’s budget with hefty per diem
earnings are Michael Katundu, the director of information, who received
Sh4.5 million, Tom Olwero, assistant director, frequency spectrum
management (Sh4.47 million), Mohamed Haji, the assistant manager, frequency
planning (Sh4.41 million) and John Omo, the authority’s secretary (Sh4.40

Rose Nduku, an enforcement officer at the CA, logged a total of 219 days
out of office and earned Sh2 million in per diem. The audit did not measure
the full impact that prolonged absence of the executives had on operational
efficiency, effectiveness and achievement of targets.

Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi, Kenya

"There are some men who lift the age they inhabit, till all men walk on
higher ground in that lifetime." - Maxwell Anderson

On 5 October 2015 at 12:49, Alex Watila via skunkworks <
skunkworks at lists.my.co.ke> wrote:

> The article goes on to say that
> *“**In most cases, the report says, non-technical staff travelled to
> attend technical events such as meetings of the Geneva-based International
> Telecommunication Union, Bern-based Universal Postal Union and
> Arusha-headquartered Pan African Postal Union.*
> *“There were cases where travel was not in line with the official
> departmental mandate,” says the report.”*
> *From:* Watila Alex [mailto:awatila at yahoo.co.uk]
> *Sent:* Monday, October 5, 2015 9:46 AM
> *To:* KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>;
> Skunkworks Mailing List <skunkworks at lists.my.co.ke>
> *Subject:* Globe-trotting CA executives pocket Sh307m in one year
> Senior managers went on a travelling spree in pursuit of allowances, the
> report says, culminating to some officials staying out of their workplace
> for a total of seven months.
> Globe-trotting CA executives pocket Sh307m in one year
> <http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/Corporate-News/CA-executives-pocket-Sh307m-in-one-year/-/539550/2898518/-/82w07z/-/index.html>
> [image: image]
> <http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/Corporate-News/CA-executives-pocket-Sh307m-in-one-year/-/539550/2898518/-/82w07z/-/index.html>
> Globe-trotting CA executives pocket Sh307m in one year
> <http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/Corporate-News/CA-executives-pocket-Sh307m-in-one-year/-/539550/2898518/-/82w07z/-/index.html>
> Senior executives pocketed Sh307.2 million in tax-free travelling
> allowances in the year ended June 2015, underlining continued wastage of
> public funds.
> View on *www.businessdailyafri...*
> <http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/Corporate-News/CA-executives-pocket-Sh307m-in-one-year/-/539550/2898518/-/82w07z/-/index.html>
> Preview by Yahoo
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