Tracy Nyatoro Weru tweru at strathmore.edu
Mon Jul 27 12:46:34 EAT 2015

We have the pleasure to inform you that at @iLabAfrica, Strathmore
University is organizing a 9-day Holiday Boot Camp for Primary and High
School Students. The program will take place at @iLabAfrica from 10th
April 2015
to 21st April 2015 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

The Holiday Boot Camp is designed to motivate and inspire the students to
bring their creative ideas to life. Students will create their own games,
animated stories, projects, and publish their applications to the web.
The Holiday Boot Camp will provide a comprehensive learning experience that
is amazingly fun, highly interactive and extremely effective.

@iLabAfrica, Strathmore University, blends technology learning with
a Holiday Boot Camp targeted for Primary and High School Students.We cover
a range of multimedia subjects including web design, video game
programming, 3-D animation, Designed for children of all abilities, we
start with the basics and then progress students in a systematic way that
is both fun & educational. Students will create their own games, animated
stories, projects, and publish their applications to the web.
The Holiday Boot Camp will provide a comprehensive learning experience that
is amazingly fun, highly interactive and extremely effective.

The Students will pursue their tech interests with hands-on, project-based
learning experiences at our state of the art computer Laboratories. The
Boot Camp will offer fun personalized instruction from industry experts,
meals, certificates and so much more.

The Holiday Boot Camp is tailored for children of all abilities, we start
with the basics and then progress students in a systematic way that is both
fun & educational. This are just a few of the things the students will be

   -   Create 3D animation
   -   Design a website
   -  Learn to code
   - Make apps
   - Design video game
   -  Get Motivational talks from Speakers in blue chip IT firms
   - And so much more

For your convenience, we have attached a description and agenda of the
training contents.

We would be honoured if you would refer students to attend this event.
Please let us know at your convenience if you will be able to send any
participants or if you can refer other interested students. Registration
for the training can be done by following this link: https://goo.gl/BxrFZV

For further questions, comments and/or suggestions, please contact
@iLabAfrica on 0724 239 020 or eMail: tweru at strathmore.edu.
*Kind Regards, *



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