[kictanet] CCK & ISPs to Block of Websites?

Walubengo J jwalu at yahoo.com
Tue May 6 17:02:24 EAT 2014


Interesting.  I know blogger Alai once in a while gets to sniff the inside story.  I just hope this time he is wrong though :-)

How will GoK manage to succeed where the US Gov failed when they tried to suppress WikiLleaks?  Also the move could be counterproductive in that whatever is "banned" tends to increase curiosity and thus create more followers that it would have otherwise had.  A vicious cycle that that defeats the original intention.

On Mon, 5/5/14, Victor Kapiyo via kictanet <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:

 Subject: [kictanet] CCK & ISPs to Block of Websites?
 To: jwalu at yahoo.com
 Date: Monday, May 5, 2014, 9:23 PM
 Dear listers, 
 I came across this tweet earlier today. I'm
 not sure of the legitimacy of the claim, but could someone
 from CCK, any ISP or lister respond to the allegations /
 shed more light on this? 
 Tweet from Robert Alai (@RobertAlai)
  Robert Alai (@RobertAlai) tweeted at 1:22 PM
 on Mon, May 05, 2014:
 Now the govt through CCK wants ISPs to block
 some 15 websites and blogs critical of the government.
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