[kictanet] Cybercrime and Computer Crimes Bill, 2014

James Kulubi jkulubi at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jun 22 15:57:40 EAT 2014

Although I have not read this Bill, I believe that there is something fundamentally wrong with the procedure followed during its development. Law enforcement agencies, the judiciary and the prosecutor should ordinarily not be allowed to initiate laws. They are likely to trample on the citizen's rights by making laws that make their job  easier. How come that government agencies have a legal mandate to develop policy and  its implementing instruments (legislation and regulations)  are silent on this matter? Where  are these bodies  Law Reform Commission, National Communication Secretariat, ICT Authority,KIPPRA, etc.
Prof. James Kulubi

On Fri, 20/6/14, Gideon via kictanet <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:

 Subject: [kictanet] Cybercrime and Computer Crimes Bill, 2014
 To: jkulubi at yahoo.co.uk
 Date: Friday, 20 June, 2014, 8:51
 The Nation article says that, Courts in the country will
 soon have jurisdiction to try any Kenyan 
 citizen who commits an offence anywhere in the world if the
 and Computer Crimes Bill, 2014 becomes law.
 A copy of the
 bill will be helpful for all those interested. Anyone with
 that bill kindly avail it.
 Gideon Rop
 There was a story in the Nation - Tough law on cybercrime
 targets all
 Kenyans -
 Can someone share a copy of the bill?
 Victor Kapiyo, LL.B
 attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your
 altitude" Zig
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