[kictanet] Just a thought

James Mbugua jgmbugua at gmail.com
Sat Jan 4 13:49:33 EAT 2014

Excellent take daktari.

It really shows the depravity of this society that a grownup woman
would choose to lie shame facedly just to avoid responsibility.

It's almost like a venal need we have to to do injury to our fellow
Kenyans, I mean what changed from her insistence that you hit her to
now wanting to cover your costs?

Couldn't she have come to that conclusion immediately she realized her
mistake? No, she'd rather go for your jugular first unless you show an
upper hand.

I support technology fully to instill behavior change. Until people
begin to get penalties from their insurance after being caught running
lights and this goes to a database that other insurance companies can
access, we won't be able to reign in these idiots.


Sent from my Windows Phone From: Bitange Ndemo
Sent: 1/4/2014 8:15 AM
To: jgmbugua at gmail.com
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
Subject: [kictanet] Just a thought
Yesterday morning as I drove to the city, my trip was disrupted by a woman
driving ahead of me.  She was most likely driving a stick shift Toyota
when at Muthaiga Market (has a small hill as you join on to Parklands) her
car slowly sled backwards resting on the front of my VW bug.  She realized
her mistake too late but when she came out, she said to me "Mheshimiwa
umenigonga kutoka nyuma" (Honorable you just hit me from behind).  I just
had to smile as I opened my door.  The vehicles behind us sped off.  I
knew I had no witness.

Her car had minor damage and as she prepared to call the police, I
encouraged her to do it quick since this is a simple matter.  She then
says to me "a simple matter".  I said yes.  What do you mean she retorted.
 It is simple because my car is digital, I said.  Digital! what do exactly
mean she says.  My car has digital cameras all round and when the police
arrive, I just will show them exactly what went on.  She stops making her
call and started to look at my car carefully.  This time I tell her that I
am calling the police.  She then turns to me as says "this digital
business is not good, can we just agree that we just cover our costs".  I
said no.  This is the very reason why I mounted a digicam on my car.

She starts to plead with me.  She offers to cover my cost.  I said no but
asked her to put it in writing that she was on the wrong.

Lesson 1:  Technology will help us correct our values.
Lesson 2: If all our PSV vehicles are mounted with cameras, we shall
gather good data to hep us deal with road carnage
Lesson 3:  There are other benefits that will accrue if car manufacturers
were to in-build cameras just like mobile phones.


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