[kictanet] State to partner with Israeli firm to create online database of Kenyans

Ngigi Waithaka ngigi at at.co.ke
Mon Aug 18 09:46:07 EAT 2014


I am actually very very concerned to let our government store *ALL MY*
biometrics in a digital form.

The problem with Biometrics is that if there is a breach of that database,
and in our case here, there most likely will be given GoK's lackadaisical
attitude towards digital security, you cannot tell the user to simply
*change their passwords* as you are born with your Biometrics and you live
with them for life.

If the Government needs to store Biometrics, we should lobby they only keep
the left-hand thumbprint, so if that's stolen, and it will be stolen, I
have 9 other fingers reserved for our other personal biometric uses.

Fast forward to modern world, Bioemtrics devices are as ubiquitous as
Keyboards, infact employing a Biometric Systems nowdays even for HR
purposes is almost a trivial thing to do.

Every operating platform today has a credible biometric engine, just
waiting for developers to take use them, so why do we have to get a firm to
implement this for us, while we can very easily do this locally?

The answer, yet again, lies in that Ksh 9B


On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 9:28 AM, S.M. Muraya <murigi.muraya at gmail.com>

> The reason we carry out customized developer training is to identify
> upcoming talent/team players.
> How many local firms did they interview before deciding to entrust
> foreigners with such a system..
> Through the treasury, the concerned Department/Service, could even borrow
> directly from counties.
> Some counties may be willing to earn some interest/skills by loaning funds
> to such projects
> Regards
> Murigi / Stanley Muraya
> *"Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one
> who takes a city." Prov 16:32*
> On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 10:54 AM, Ngigi Waithaka <ngigi at at.co.ke> wrote:
>> This is interesting,  why?
>> 1. PPPs should be guided by an open and transparent process where GoK
>> advertises for those with intent to partner to apply.
>> This didn't happen.
>> 2. If there is no competition, how do we ensure we are getting value for
>> money?
>> 3. Whatever happened to building some of these solutions locally. Yet
>> another 1000 software engineers jobs we have exported to Israel to help
>> them build more bombs to break up Gaza!
>> Waithaka Ngigi
>> Alliance Technologies
>> Nairobi, Kenya
>> www.A1.io
>> On 17 Aug 2014 01:04, "S.M. Muraya via kictanet" <
>> kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
>>> Not sure why we need Israelis to build this database for Kenya. They
>>> could guide/train us but it is not for non Kenyans to lead its development
>>> and management.
>>> http://www.nation.co.ke/business/Online-Database-Technology-Public-Servants-Profile/-/996/2421390/-/svf5fw/-/index.html
>>> Kenyan State to partner with Israeli firm to create online database of
>>> Kenyans
>>> Note comments made in 2009.....
>>> *Israel Poised To Pass National I.D. Database Law*
>>> By Nathan Jeffay
>>> Published August 12, 2009, issue of August 21, 2009.
>>> HAIFA, ISRAEL — Israel may become the only democratic country to take
>>> biometric information from all citizens and store it in a database.
>>> The plan, approved by a Knesset committee and set for a final vote in
>>> the fall, is expected to pass easily, as the largest opposition party and
>>> the government support the bill. But that apparently won’t prevent outraged
>>> human rights organizations, academics and grass-roots activists from
>>> spending the rest of the summer protesting the plan.
>>> Champions of the database say it is crucial for Israel’s security. “The
>>> danger to the state in the present situation, in which there is no database
>>> of biometric information, is critical,” according to Kadima lawmaker Meir
>>> Sheetrit, who drafted the bill.
>>> But opponents say that it actually will jeopardize security. “If such a
>>> database gets in the hands of a foreign country or terrorist organization,
>>> they will be able to identify any Israeli anywhere by their fingerprints or
>>> their picture,” claimed computer security expert Eli Biham, dean of
>>> computer science at Israel’s leading high-tech research institution, the
>>> Haifa-based Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.
>>> Read more:
>>> http://forward.com/articles/112033/israel-poised-to-pass-national-id-database-law/#ixzz3AavDDUx5
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*Wait**haka Ngigi*
Chief Executive Officer | Alliance Technologies | MCK Nairobi Synod Building
T + 254 (0) 20 2333 471 |Office Mobile: +254 786 28 28 28 | M + 254 737 811
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