Gichuki John Chuksjonia chuksjonia at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 12:53:19 EAT 2014

There is this notion i have seen with different Security Firms which
believe as long as they have tools, they can do penetration testing
for everyone. This is wrong, since real blackhat hackers, the ones
whom are defending your clients from don't use automation to break
into these infrastructures. Script Kids will do that, and if a
Security Firm is doing that too, then you hired script-kids-company
(quarks) too.

I think its important people start doing things with passion
especially with the service industry, get into extra miles, show these
organizations how real blackhats will bypass restrictions and
security, not nmap an metasplout snapshots. Lets stop failing our
country, especially with Cyber Warfare already backing each door in
our infrastructures.


Gichuki John Ndirangu, C.E.H , C.P.T.P, O.S.C.P
I.T Security Analyst and Penetration Tester
jgichuki at inbox d0t com


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