[kictanet] Apply now for the Southern African Young Scientists Summer Program

Muthoni Masinde muthoni at uonbi.ac.ke
Thu Sep 5 20:41:35 EAT 2013

Are you a Doctoral Student? FYI

Applications are due on 16  September 2013.

Southern African Young Scientists
Summer Program 2013-14

The Southern African Young Scientists Summer Program (SA-YSSP) offers
doctoral candidates the opportunity to develop research skills in systems
analysis and its application to policy and management. The program takes
place in South Africa from 24 November 2013 to 22 February 2014. Apply by 16
September 2013.

The SA-YSSP is a three-month program held during the Southern Hemisphere
summer, November to February. Modeled on IIASA¹s Young Scientists Summer
html> (YSSP), the SA-YSSP is now in its second year. It makes IIASA¹s unique
research and training opportunities more accessible to young scientists
focused on systems approaches to issues facing developing countries, and
connects researchers in Southern Africa with IIASA experts and the IIASA
global research network.

The program is open to advanced PhD students studying in South Africa, a
Southern African Development Community
(SADC)<http://www.sadc.int/about-sadc/overview/> nation, or one of IIASA¹s
20 National Member Organization
Organizations.en.html> countries, whose research is compatible with the 19
research themes<http://www.iiasa.ac.at/sa-yssp/themes> defined by the
supervisory teams in the general areas of Risk & Governance, Energy &
Climate Systems, Ecosystems & Water, and Population, Health & Aging.

Funding for travel and living expenses is available.


Research Themes<http://www.iiasa.ac.at/sa-yssp/themes>

Apply Now<http://www.nrf.ac.za/funding_overview.php?fid=207>

³Participating in the SA-YSSP was one of the best experiences of my life. I
had the opportunity to work with multiple supervisors and expand my network,
focus on research concerning pressing issues, make lifelong friends from all
over the world, and experience South Africa¹s rich culture.²

Valentina Prado Lopez
(SA-YSSP 2012­13)

International Institute for Applied Systems
Analysis<http://www.iiasa.ac.at/> | South African Department of Science and

National Research Foundation<http://www.nrf.ac.za> | University of the Free

The South African National Research Foundation (NRF) has partnered with
IIASA to offer a second year of a pioneering doctoral-level research program
modeled on IIASA¹s successful Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP).

The Southern African Young Scientists Summer Program (SA-YSSP) is currently
accepting applications from doctoral students from IIASA¹s twenty National
Member Organization (NMO)
-Members.en.html>, Southern African Development Community member
states<http://www.sadc.int/member-states>, and South Africa, to spend three
months (from 24 November 2013 until 22 February 2014) at the University of
the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa<http://www.ufs.ac.za>, working
with mentors from South Africa and IIASA on a research project related to
their thesis work.  Applications are due on 16 September 2013.

Researchers from IIASA and South Africa will work in teams to supervise one
or more SA-YSSP participants.  These supervisory teams have jointly defined
19 research 
SP-themes-supervisors.en.html> that will serve as the basis for the
participants¹ work.  These themes fall into 4 interdisciplinary clusters:
Risk & Governance, Energy & Climate Systems, Ecosystems & Water, and
Population, Health & Aging.

Funding to cover travel to Bloemfontein and living expenses while there is
available for successful applicants.

Details of the program and the research projects are available at the IIASA
n.html>. More information about the venue is posted at the UFS
website<http://conferences.ufs.ac.za/default.aspx?DCode=720>. The
application form and procedures can be downloaded from the NRF

Please circulate this information widely to doctoral departments in IIASA
member countries and SADC member countries, and forward it to appropriate
candidates, collaborators, and mailing lists.

Many thanks for your help.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Sincerely yours,

Maggie Goud Collins      Ulf Dieckmann           Joanne Bayer
IIASA Secretary                Co-Chair, CBAT          YSSP Dean & Co-Chair,

IIASA¹s Capacity Building and Academic Training Team (CBAT)

Key links:
SA-YSSP information on the IIASA website:
SA-YSSP information on the UFS website:
Call for applications on the NRF website:

The SA-YSSP program application deadline has been extended, we strongly
encourage doctoral students to apply ‹ To get a sense of the research
experience, they might check out the IIASA blog entry recently posted by
Valentina Prado describing her SA-YSSP experience.  It can be found at


Links to more information, including applications, can be found below.  We
encourage applicants to contact the supervisors for projects in which
they're interested, in order to better prepare the required project
descriptions.  Contact information, and project guidance, can be found at

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