[kictanet] WSIS goals: what happened to them?

Alice Munyua alice at apc.org
Wed Oct 24 17:47:33 EAT 2012

Dear all,

APC would like to invite civil society organisations that participated
in the WSIS process and that are concerned in some way with the WSIS
goal of building a 'people-centred information society' to participate
in a survey we are conducting as part of our WSIS +10 efforts.

The survey's goal is to assess civil society's views on progress (or
lack of progress) in achieving the WSIS goals, particularly the goals
that we put in the civil society declaration in 2003: "Shaping the
information society for human needs".


The survey is available at:

The deadline for completing the survey is: Monday 5 November 2012.

Best regards,

anriette esterhuysen anriette at apc.org
executive director, association for progressive communications
po box 29755, melville 2109
south africa
tel/fax +27 11 726 1692

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