[kictanet] 103 Government of Kenya websites hacked overnight

James Richu james at jimcomptech.com
Tue Jan 17 17:50:33 EAT 2012

Dear Dr Ndemo,

Can you kindly explain this.........

An Indonesion hacker known as *direxer* has taken down 103 government of
Kenya websites overnight. The hacker is part of an online Indonesian
security forum known as *Forum Code Security* and says he took down the
websites following tutorials from the forum. Such tutorials usually exploit
programming errors in code, known as bugs, which have not been fixed.

The hacker appears to have a website at http://www.direxer.com/ though this
has not been updated to reflect the hacking. In a message in the forum, the
hacker says

*show off by me...*

*thanks for tutorial in www.code-security.com all...*

*i have exploit from cs web, and i attacking to server Goverment Kenya,,,,
and then,,, success full... this is deface in this night...*

The government has moved fast to take the affected websites offline through
a Cyber Incidence Response Team(CIRT) based at the Communications
Commission of Kenya. The CIRT was formed to handle such situations and
ensures Kenya's security in cyber space. Vincent Ngundi who heads CIRT has
responded with the following comment "*We're on it. Thanks for the heads-up
and comments*" in Kenya's *Security Forum* where the news first broke.

The government normally hosts several websites in one server at The
Treasury thus compromising the server may expose several websites to a
hacker. The Administration Police website has been hacked several times in
the recent past. At the same time, most of the websites hacked appear to
have been running the Joomla Content Management system,

   1. http://www.administrationpolice.go.ke/index.html
   2. http://www.aideffectiveness.go.ke/index.html
   3. http://www.bungomacounty.go.ke/index.html
   4. http://www.businesslicense.go.ke/index.html
   5. http://www.cak.go.ke/index.html
   6. http://www.commstaskforce.go.ke/index.html
   7. http://www.cooperative.go.ke/index.html
   8. http://www.crd.go.ke/index.html
   9. http://www.crisisrcentre.go.ke/index.html
   10. http://www.ditkenya.go.ke/index.html
   11. http://www.doshs.go.ke/index.html
   12. http://www.economicstimulus.go.ke/index.html
   13. http://www.eldoretmunicipal.go.ke/index.html
   14. http://www.emu.go.ke/index.html
   15. http://www.education.go.ke/index.html
   16. http://www.environment.go.ke/index.html
   17. http://www.filmservices.go.ke/index.html
   18. http://www.fisheries.go.ke/index.html
   19. http://www.forestryandwildlife.go.ke/index.html
   20. http://www.gender.go.ke/index.html
   21. http://www.governmentpress.go.ke/index.html
   22. http://www.greenenergy.go.ke/index.html
   23. http://www.housing.go.ke/index.html
   24. http://www.ifmis.go.ke/index.html
   25. http://www.immigration.go.ke/index.html
   26. http://www.industrialization.go.ke/index.html
   27. http://www.isc.go.ke/index.html
   28. http://www.iprs.go.ke/index.html
   29. http://www.itentambachtowncouncil.go.ke/index.html
   30. http://www.itmis.go.ke/index.html
   31. http://www.kenao.go.ke/index.html
   32. http://www.kapsabetmunicipal.go.ke/index.html
   33. http://www.kenyayearbook.go.ke/index.html
   34. http://www.kerugoyakutusmunicipal.go.ke/index.html
   35. http://www.kesi.go.ke/index.html
   36. http://www.kipi.go.ke/index.html
   37. http://www.kisumucountycouncil.go.ke/index.html
   38. http://www.kirinyagacountycouncil.go.ke/index.html
   39. http://www.kitalemunicipal.go.ke/index.html
   40. http://www.kituimunicipal.go.ke/index.html
   41. http://www.kkv.go.ke/index.html
   42. http://www.knfparms.go.ke/index.html
   43. http://www.knsdi.go.ke/index.html
   44. http://www.kntc.go.ke/index.html
   45. http://www.laikipiacountycouncil.go.ke/index.html
   46. http://www.lands.go.ke/index.html
   47. http://www.leatherdevelopmentcouncil.go.ke/index.html
   48. http://www.limurumunicipal.go.ke/index.html
   49. http://www.livestock.go.ke/index.html
   50. http://www.lodwarmunicipal.go.ke/index.html
   51. http://www.maraguacountycouncil.go.ke/index.html
   52. http://www.mariakanitown.go.ke/index.html
   53. http://www.maurestoration.go.ke/index.html
   54. http://www.migoricountycouncil.go.ke/index.html
   55. http://www.minesgeology.go.ke/index.html
   56. http://www.mirp.go.ke/index.html
   57. http://www.monitoring.go.ke/index.html
   58. http://www.moyalecountycouncil.go.ke/index.html
   59. http://www.murangacounty.go.ke/index.html
   60. http://www.murangamunicipal.go.ke/index.html
   61. http://www.nairobicity.go.ke/index.html
   62. http://www.naivashamunicipal.go.ke/index.html
   63. http://www.nakurucounty.go.ke/index.html
   64. http://www.nationaldisaster.go.ke/index.html
   65. http://www.nationalheritage.go.ke/index.html
   66. http://www.nccs.go.ke/index.html
   67. http://www.nec.go.ke/index.html
   68. http://www.northernkenya.go.ke/index.html
   69. http://www.nyandaruacountycouncil.go.ke/index.html
   70. http://www.othayatowncouncil.go.ke/index.html
   71. http://www.pec.go.ke/index.html
   72. http://www.pfmr.go.ke/index.html
   73. http://www.pghnyeri.go.ke/index.html
   74. http://www.pharmacy.go.ke/index.html
   75. http://www.prisons.go.ke/index.html
   76. http://www.psrpc.go.ke/index.html
   77. http://www.publichealth.go.ke/index.html
   78. http://www.publicservice.go.ke/index.html
   79. http://www.publicworks.go.ke/index.html
   80. http://www.reformskenya.go.ke/index.html
   81. http://www.refugees.go.ke/index.html
   82. http://www.regional-dev.go.ke/index.html
   83. http://www.roads.go.ke/index.html
   84. http://www.rprlgsp.go.ke/index.html
   85. http://www.scat.go.ke/index.html
   86. http://www.scienceandtechnology.go.ke/index.html
   87. http://www.singlewindow.go.ke/index.html
   88. http://www.sprogrammes.go.ke/index.html
   89. http://www.tabakatown.go.ke/index.html
   90. http://www.tanathi.go.ke/index.html
   91. http://www.tfdg.go.ke/index.html
   92. http://www.technologycentre.ac.ke/index.html
   93. http://www.theenergytribunal.go.ke/index.html
   94. http://www.thekenyawewant.go.ke/index.html
   95. http://www.thikamunicipal.go.ke/index.html
   96. http://www.transformingkenya.go.ke/index.html
   97. http://www.treasury.go.ke/index.html
   98. http://www.ugunjatown.go.ke/index.html
   99. http://www.ukwalatown.go.ke/index.html
   100. http://www.westernkenya.go.ke/index.html
   101. http://www.vihigamunicipal.go.ke/index.html
   102. http://www.works.go.ke/index.html
   103. http://www.youthaffairs.go.ke/index.html

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 12:00 PM, <kictanet-request at lists.kictanet.or.ke>wrote:

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> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Reality-on Media (bitange at jambo.co.ke)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 07:28:07 +0000
> From: bitange at jambo.co.ke
> To: "Pamela" <pamela at cardiacimplants.com>,
>        kictanet-bounces+bitange=jambo.co.ke at lists.kictanet.or.ke
> Cc: 'KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions' <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Reality-on Media
> Message-ID:
>  <1350874180-1326785244-cardhu_decombobulator_blackberry.rim.net-83781638- at b27.c2.bise7.blackberry
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"
> In my view, you can tell if an economy is a middle income or not by
> checking the availability of toilet paper in the bathroons especially
> public toilets.
> There is a very high correlation of income and such essentials.  In
> developing countries you hardly get toilet at it is stolen by the have
> nots.  Kenya flip flops between low income and lower middle income status.
>  That is why sometimes you get the toilet paper.
> The World Bank definition is too complex for ordinary people to
> understand.  Take your own sample when you travel and for sure my model
> works.
> Ndemo.
> Sent from my BlackBerry?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Pamela" <pamela at cardiacimplants.com>
> Sender: kictanet-bounces+bitange=jambo.co.ke at lists.kictanet.or.keDate:
> Mon, 16 Jan 2012 16:07:51
> To: <bitange at jambo.co.ke>
> Cc: 'KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions'<kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Reality-on Media
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> End of kictanet Digest, Vol 56, Issue 53
> ****************************************


Jim Comptech Consultants ltd.
Tel: 254 20 2503637, 254 716 852202, 254 735 195969
Occidental Plaza, 4th Flr., Muthithi Rd. Westlands. P.O.Box 73639 - 00200,
Nairobi, Kenya.**
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