[kictanet] 2063: Kenya @ 100 Short Story & Essay Contest - New Deadline - March 31st, 2012‏

Francis Hook francis.hook at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 09:12:41 EAT 2012

Thanks. Yes indeed with regard to ICT, it would be interesting to see
something in that regard - I know we have very good champions and
visionaries in Kenya presently who are already taking the country in
that direction despite all the surrounding "noise" and side shows.

A very interesting initiative I must say.


On 31 January 2012 17:27, Matunda Nyanchama
<mnyanchama at aganoconsulting.com> wrote:
> Francis
> Writers are at liberty to choose the line they take; the idea is to take the
> present conditions and extrapolate in the many possible directions (choices,
> paths, etc) we could take, be it as community, as a nation, an aspect of
> society, etc. One interesting submission I have seen looks at one rural
> community with its vast and fast growing population, idle youth, social ills
> (murder, theft, etc), teenage pregnancies, disease (read AIDS) and all; and
> then focuses on the impact on land, water sources, environment and the like.
> Protagonists are characters in argument over the legacy of their
> forefathers, many glorified in local lore and held as demi-gods in the
> community. ....
> We are asking writers to stretch their imagination, challenge their
> creativity and tell their story for our education, imagination and of course
> entertainment.
> It would be interesting to see one, at least, based on aspects of
> technology, more like the fiction that preceded invention of flight or some
> other such that gave us the concept of Big Brother (Orwell's 1984).
> Thanks for giving us the opportunity to elaborate.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Matunda Nyanchama, PhD, CISSP; mnyanchama at aganoconsulting.com
> Agano Consulting Inc.;  www.aganoconsulting.com; Twitter: nmatunda;  Skype:
> okiambe
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> "A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops.
> On my desk I have a workstation…" - Anonymous
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> ________________________________
> From: Francis Hook <francis.hook at gmail.com>
> To: Matunda Nyanchama <mnyanchama at aganoconsulting.com>
> Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 4:58 AM
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] 2063: Kenya @ 100 Short Story & Essay Contest - New
> Deadline - March 31st, 2012‏
> "Mzee Juma shook his head in disbelief.  More than half a century ago,
> Kenyans found it incredulous that a poor nation could afford 40
> ministries.  Now, here he was, queuing at the Ministry of Early
> Childhood Education, one of the 25 new ministries created over the
> last five decades to help stem discord...."
> Can writers take such a negative direction (esp. going by the trend
> line of the last 20 years)? Or should it be just positive enough to
> inspire and perhaps evoke the realisation of Vision 2030 and the new
> constitution?
> Just a thought....
> On 30 January 2012 21:12, Matunda Nyanchama
> <mnyanchama at aganoconsulting.com> wrote:
>> This an FYI for those that asked for more time on the above.
>> I is interesting that we have received few technology-related stories.
>> Some interesting ones talk about rural society, the national stage and
>> attempts to place vision 2030 in "its place".
>> Baadaye.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Matunda Nyanchama, PhD, CISSP; mnyanchama at aganoconsulting.com
>> Agano Consulting Inc.;  www.aganoconsulting.com; Twitter: nmatunda;
>> Skype:
>> okiambe
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Be prepared to face ICT Security failures & know how to respond when they
>> happen!
>> Call: +1-888-587-1150 or info at aganoconsulting.com
>>  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train
>> stops.
>> On my desk I have a workstation…" - Anonymous
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> --
> Francis Hook
> +254 733 504561

Francis Hook
+254 733 504561

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