[kictanet] Draft Media Bill 2010 Report

Grace Githaiga ggithaiga at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 10 21:28:42 EAT 2011

Dear Listers
Please find attached a report of our discussion on the draft media bill 2010.
KICTANET had requested for an extension from the Ministry to present the reports by 25th March, 2011. In light of this, it will not be possible to hold a physical meeting to validate. We therefore request you to comment/validate the report online. The dates for this exercise are from today evening March 10 to March 15th. We will then have another five days for the ICCK report. 

KICTANET appreciates your regard to this matter.
If you have the strength to survive, you have the power to succeed. Life is all about choices we make depending upon the situation we are in. Go forth and rule the World!

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