[kictanet] Fwd: Open Data - Where does it sit?

aki aki275 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 09:55:15 EAT 2011

@Hussein, please also allow me to smile at the "private sector" comment
below.   :-)

Let us add for further discussion. When the motivation for doing business is
what we are at, then it explains why NO private sector company has an R & D
Department, nor will it allocate the funds for such.

But I'd like you to comment on and where the govt is on such matters.

1)  What is Innovation - : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NK0WR2GtFs (
please listen very keenly )


On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Ali Hussein <info at alyhussein.com> wrote:

> Aki
> First allow me to smile at your impassioned arguments. However seems to me
> that you want to have your cake and eat it too.. (Though there's the
> argument that if you have the cake why not eat it? :) ).
> Me thinks we can agree to disagree here. In the ICT space Government is
> doing what it should (pushed as it is by forums like these). The private
> sector needs to catch up fast. The likes of Dr. Ndemo and his predecessor
> Hon. James Rege have done this country proud.
> I guess I come from the school of thought that the less Government the
> better in our lives. The fact that we keep on insisting on more Government
> involvement not less is a reflection of a failure in ourselves. But then
> that's just my humble opinion.
> Cup half full Aki..Not half empty.. :)
> Ali Hussein - Sent from my BlackBerry®
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