[kictanet] [Skunkworks] Kenya IGF 2011 Discussions Day 2 of 10

Barrack Otieno otieno.barrack at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 07:00:21 EAT 2011

Thank you Matunda, you seem to share the same school of thought with
Victor Gathara on the role of Policy, we look forwad to more insights
from you as the debate continues.

On 7/4/11, Matunda Nyanchama <mnyanchama at aganoconsulting.com> wrote:
> Mobile payments have redefined the movement of money across Kenya, spurred
> by
> Mpesa, even in the face of resistance by banks.
> Unlike with banks, transferring money between phone companies is yet to
> happen.
> Yet if we have to realize mobile transfers full potential we need seamless
> transfers between companies.
> We need regulation in place that would allow such seamless transfers,
> similar to
> what happens with calls, where telecom companies are obligated to handle
> calls
> originating outside their network.
> Baadaye.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Matunda Nyanchama, PhD, CISSP; mnyanchama at aganoconsulting.com
> Agano Consulting Inc.;  www.aganoconsulting.com; Twitter: nmatunda;  Skype:
> okiambe
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Sent from my mobile device

Barrack O. Otieno
Afriregister Ltd (Kenya)
www.afrire <http://www.afriregister.com>gister.bi,
<http://www.afriregister.com>ICANN accredited registrar
Skype: barrack.otieno

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