[kictanet] mobile tariffs?

Andrea Bohnstedt andrea.bohnstedt at ratio-magazine.com
Thu Jul 22 11:13:01 EAT 2010

Make money?

On 22 July 2010 09:47, Michael Ouma <benomnta at yahoo.com> wrote:

> How come Safaricom still charges Kshs 8/min for on-net and Kshs 12/min for
> off-net calls while the competition has reduced it's rates, with Zain Kenya
> now charging just Kshs 6/min for off-net calls and Kshs 3/ min for on-net?
> ...what's the rationale for all these?
> Michael Ouma
> Journalist
> Kenya
> Tel:+254-725-537823
> "Do not go where the path may lead, but go instead where there is no path
> and leave a trail," - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Andrea Bohnstedt
+254 720 960 322
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