[kictanet] Kenya IGF 2010 Mailing List Discussions

Barrack Otieno otieno.barrack at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 08:18:36 EAT 2010

Thanks Walu  for setting the ball rolling and for bringing in an interesting
perspective from the KENIC AGM, i suppose there were many listers at the
meeting and they might still be condensing their thoughts, nonetheless, we
will have an opportunity to review the points you have raised on day 5 while
reviewing the Management of dot KE CCTLD, i invite listers to identify what
they consider pertinent issues that were raised during the meeting, the idea
is to look at ways of improving Management of the dot KE CCTLD bearing in
mind the fact that its management is based on a Public Private Sector model
which has been a great example in the region and on the continent. I suppose
the contentious issues have always been around pricing it it would be
interesting to hear how this issue is being handled, i live this to listers
to prepare their comments, however the thread is open should anyone be
willing to contribute, we shall review the contributions on day 5 as we
delve into the agenda in more detail.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 8:28 AM, Walubengo J <jwalu at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Apologies for cross-posting;
> @Barrack,
> it was about time these Internet Governance (IG) issues were reviewed and
> am glad you have offered to moderate the discussions since I have been on
> some temporary self-imposed "minimized" mode...
> But allow me to jump ahead of the scheduled topics and go to the management
> of the .KE namespace which is scheduled for later - I just have an update
> from yesterday's KENIC AGM (www.kenic.or.ke) where the Chair, Sammy
> Buruchara made some clarification on the role of the regulator (CCK) with
> regards to the management of the 2nd level Kenyan domain name space.
> While he conceded  that the Kenya Comm. Act (2009) does mandate the
> Regulator to oversee these subdomains,  the Minister had yet to issue
> regulations on how it would be done because most stakeholders have shown
> concern and reservations on that specific clause...meaning status quo
> remains where the multistakeholder, public private partnership that makes up
> KENIC still manages and oversees all levels of the .KE namespace untill
> hopefully some consensus is reached on the way forward...
> That notwithstanding, one of the Registrars (those who register domains)
> had already felt the heat, when she reported that KENIC had recovered a name
> she registered in favour of a "bigger" player using dispute resolution
> mechanisms that were yet to be made public...
> walu.
> nb: With the recent Govt handing over the management of the National
> Optical Fiber Backbone (+the TEAMS gateway?) to one of the Operators, the
> impact of the mandatory requirement for Mobile SIM card registrations, the
> launch of the M-Kesho (eMoney bank account) amongst other regular ICT issues
> such as Internet Prices, Security, IPv6 etc, I do believe you have your
> plate full and I look forward to these discussions.
> --- On *Fri, 7/2/10, Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack at gmail.com>* wrote:
> From: Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Kenya IGF 2010 Mailing List Discussions
> To: jwalu at yahoo.com
> Cc: "KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions" <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
> Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 11:01 PM
> Dear Listers,
> The Kenya ICT Network KICTANet is pleased to announce commencement of  the
> Kenya IGF Mailing list discussion. The discussion will provide input to the
> Kenya National IGF that will be held on 29th July 2010.
> The discussions are aimed at identifying and exploring National level
> Internet Governance Issues.
> As key players in the Internet Industry, it is my pleasure to invite you to
> the online discussions which start on Monday 5th July 2010 and will end on
> 17 th July and will be moderated by myself and Judy Okite.
> Discussions will focus on Critical Internet Resources which is the theme in
> this years regional discussions to be held as from 11th to 13th August in
> Kampala Uganda, other topics on the agenda include:
>    - Impact of the undersea cable and the National Fibre optic Backnbone
>    --Lessons Learnt
>    - Impact of the Unified Licensing Model
>    - Management of the dotke CCTLD---Challenges and Milestones
>    - Adopting IPv6 ----Challenges and Milestiones
>    - e--crimes, Privacy, Data Security
> Looking forward to an interesting discourse over the two weeks period.
> Thank you
> --
> Barrack O. Otieno
> +41767892272
> Skype: barrack.otieno
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Barrack O. Otieno
Skype: barrack.otieno
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