[kictanet] KDN Unveils Broadband for SMEs and SOHOs

Henry Okatch hokatch at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 08:18:59 EAT 2010


I think you need to try it out: Look at it this way

1Mbps = 1 MB every 4 seconds (1 in and 1 out)

A month has 30 x 24 x 60 x 60 seconds = 2 592 000 seconds meaning 648 000

Even if calculating simplex (324 000M) and taking USD 100 / 324 000 the cost
per M is 0.03 US Cents per M (or if duplex 0.015) in KSH this is 0.024 KSH
(or 0.012) per M!
I find this to be a much better deal than ZUKU if you ask me.


On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 7:23 PM, Evans Ikua <ikua at lpakenya.org> wrote:

> Big deal! What's the difference between this and Zuku? I bought 512 Kbps
> from zuku for about 2,500, then realized that the speeds were very slow.
> Some math showed me that this translated to 64KBps. This is a big joke.
> What can one do with a 64KBps shared with I don't know how many other
> users?
> --
> Evans Ikua
> Linux Professional Association of Kenya
> Tel: +254-20-2250381, Cell: +254-722 955 831
> Eagle House, 2nd Floor
> Kimathi Street, Opp. Corner House
> www.lpakenya.org
> Quoting Kevin <wanjalak at gmail.com>:
> I hear KDN has launched a new product for small businesses, 1Mbps for
>> 4,000/=. Is there anything in the market that can rival this? Will this
>> spur
>> the market for broadband uptake?
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