[kictanet] Kenya: Consumers furious over high internet prices

Onyango Hatari onyango at inbox.com
Thu Sep 10 12:17:44 EAT 2009


My internet teacher at AVU taught me one thing. When you are chatting or mailing anyone you have not met, assume he is a dog. So I assume you are a Dog and I hope that you do the same way


> -----Original Message-----
> From: billkagai at gmail.com
> Sent: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 12:12:31 +0300
> To: onyango at inbox.com
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] Kenya: Consumers furious over high internet
> prices
> Alex,
> Don't beat around the bush.
> 1. Have you met Onyango Hatari in person??
> 2. Do you have his contacts??
> 3. Are you Onyango Hatari??
> Call me....0724226600 we discuss this matter. We need to straighten
> this matter!!!!
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Gakuru Alex
> <alexgakuru.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Bill, your remark as it stands right here borders on something already
>> illegal.... Please take note.
>> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Bill Kagai <billkagai at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Ladies and Gentlemen,
>>> We are missing the point here. Clearly, 'Onyango Hatari' does not
>>> exist and is just a pseudonym for someone we know quite well on this
>>> list who prefers to spew hatred using a different email address. This
>>> matter in no longer on 'consumers' rights'.
>>> I would encourage Michael Joseph to report to the nearest police
>>> station for investigations to commence with a view of suing for libel
>>> because this is clear defamation. The Chairman of the ICT Consumers
>>> Association should be one of the respondents 'to assist police with
>>> investigations' since he seems to be the only one who knows the true
>>> identity of one Onyango Hatari. Or is there anyone in this list who
>>> has actually interacted with Onyango Hatari???
>>> --
>>> Bildad Kagai
>>> MD - MediaCorp Limited
>>> Nairobi Stock Exchange Authorised Information Vendor
>>> Suite B2, Tetu Court, State House Avenue
>>> P. O. Box 20311 - 00200
>>> Nairobi, Kenya
>>> Tel. 254 20 272 8332
>>> Fax. Rendered Obsolete
>>> S - 1°17'13.8"
>>> E - 36°48'22.7"
>>> www.mediacorp.co.ke
>>> ---
> --
> Bildad Kagai
> MD - MediaCorp Limited
> Nairobi Stock Exchange Authorised Information Vendor
> Suite B2, Tetu Court, State House Avenue
> P. O. Box 20311 - 00200
> Nairobi, Kenya
> Tel. 254 20 272 8332
> Fax. Rendered Obsolete
> S - 1°17'13.8"
> E - 36°48'22.7"
> www.mediacorp.co.ke
> ---
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