[kictanet] Fw: [AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN 37 International meeting in NAIROBI, Kenya

alice munyua alice at apc.org
Thu Oct 29 05:38:51 EAT 2009

Please apply/ register/ participate. We need more of us in the region to contribute and participate to these global internet governance policy processes.

Best regards
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@@@ Registration is open for Nairobi: http://nbo.icann.org/

Reminder: fellowship call for Nairobi is opened till 6 November 2009

@@@@ L'enregistrement pour la 37eme Reunion Internationale de l'ICANN est
ouverte a: http://nbo.icann.org/

Je vous rappelle a tous que le preogramme de bourse pour lareunion de
Nairobi ferme l'appel a candidature le 6 Novembre.2009


*The 37th International Public ICANN meeting in Nairobi, Kenya 7-12 March

Application Round opens: 28 September 2009

Application Round closes: 6 November 2009

Selected Fellows announced: 18 December 2009*

Online Application Form

Terms and Conditions

Fellowship Committee
Fellowships Committee

Email: fellowships at icann.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Anne-Rachel Inné <annerachel at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 11:22:24 
To: <africann at afrinic.net>; AfTLD Discuss<aftld-discuss at aftld.org>; AFRINIC<afrinic-discuss at afrinic.org>; Discussion List for African Private Sector and ICT4D<aisi-ps-l at dgroups.org>; African Information Society Initiative - Discussion Forum<aisi-l at lyris.bellanet.org>
Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN 37 International meeting in NAIROBI, Kenya

AfrICANN mailing list
AfrICANN at afrinic.net

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