[kictanet] kictanet Digest, Vol 29, Issue 65

Akich Kwach kwach at archway-productions.com
Wed Oct 28 10:49:47 EAT 2009

Development Informatics Working Paper no.42: The ICT4D 2.0 ManifestoHerbert and all,
Thanks for the analysis and comments, rich ideas i must admit. I hope the relevant stakeholders are listening.

Warm regards,

Akich Kwach

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Herbert Nyukuri 
  To: kwach at archway-productions.com 
  Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:44 PM
  Subject: Re: [kictanet] kictanet Digest, Vol 29, Issue 65

        Walu, Kwach and all,
        I read the discussion and analysis about broadband costing with immense interest. I belief that the stats below can enrich and contribute in putting into perspective what we are talking about in a nutshell. I have lifted it from a paper am reviewing. I therefore see CCK's plate quite full in making sure that we consistently move towards the direction of affordable rates. 


        Broadband: New Hope / New Divide 

        Broadband is already an integral part of ICT usage in the global North. In the US, for example (one of the poorer performers), by 2008, there were 25 broadband subscriptions per 100 citizens, and 55% of households had broadband, representing around 90% of all Internet connections. 

        By contrast, the subscription rates for most African countries including Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda were well under 0.1% of the population. Tiny Andorra had roughly as many broadband subscriptions as Africa's most populous country, Nigeria. 

        So, as we start seeing digital divides closing around Internet access and mobile phone ownership, a new broadband divide is growing. This is already – and will continuingly – require a strategic response which, if not led, must at the least be coordinated by government. As and where this happens, the development results will be impressive. Broadband uptake is associated at the macro level with growth in indicators such as employment and GDP, and at the micro level there are many new employment- and productivity-enhancing opportunities. 

        Manchester Centre for Development Informatics Working Paper 42

        Full citation 
        The ICT4D 2.0 Manifesto: Where Next for ICTs and International Development? 
        Richard Heeks 

        Development Informatics Group 

        University of Manchester, UK 


        --- On Tue, 10/27/09, kictanet-request at lists.kictanet.or.ke <kictanet-request at lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:

          From: kictanet-request at lists.kictanet.or.ke <kictanet-request at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
          Subject: kictanet Digest, Vol 29, Issue 65
          To: herbertwamalwa at yahoo.com
          Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 8:53 AM

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          Today's Topics:

             1. Re: [Skunkworks] Safaricom to introduce    unlimitedinternet
                service (Akich Kwach)
             2. Re: "Outsource our jobs? Why firms are afraid of BPOs"
                (Edith Adera)
             3. Re: "Outsource our jobs? Why firms are afraid of BPOs" (Rad!)
             4. Fw: press invite - kenya economic report 2009 launch
                (alice munyua)


          Message: 1
          Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 12:30:26 +0300
          From: "Akich Kwach" <kwach at archway-productions.com>
          To: "Walubengo J" <jwalu at yahoo.com>
          Cc: Kenya ICT Policy - kictanet <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
          Subject: Re: [kictanet] [Skunkworks] Safaricom to introduce
              unlimitedinternet service
          Message-ID: <BCCA03C03191455C9A683D8ACEDA96DF at USERPC>
          Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

          I have been receiving such direct marketing mails from Safaricom. One thing i noted with concern; are such products developed/informed based market research, i doubt if ordinary Kenyans would have made such proposals. In my view, this is like pushing products/services down the customers throat. Even with those "wonder speed", COST is stil a fundamental factor especially for the SMEs under which majority of Kenyans fall. One fact is the operator is ignoring the public expectations - speed without cost is just but a fallacy. Thank you for making the GDP comparison which the operators and regulators always ignore, both should aprreciate internet and information are basic needs if we have to achieve the 2030 dream and as such those in the sector should not just be focussing on being declared the highest tax payers. Could someone from Safaricom let us know whom they were targeting with such offers?

          Have a blessed week

          Akich Kwach    

            ----- Original Message ----- 
            From: Walubengo J 
            To: kwach at archway-productions.com 
            Cc: Kenya ICT Policy - kictanet 
            Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 9:10 AM
            Subject: Re: [kictanet] [Skunkworks] Safaricom to introduce unlimitedinternet service

                  very interesting analysis... at 200ksh unlimited internet gives you 6,000Ksh per month as some of you noted - almost 100USD per month. Almost like in the US -BUT the US GDP per capita is about 50times higher than .KE.  So we must adopt some weighting to get the equivalent pricing in kenya.

                  Put in another way, Kenyans should work towards 50x less the US monthly rates (of 100USD) for broadband internet i.e. 2USD per month for unlimited  broadband internet. It wont happen tomorrow, maybe 2030?  But am glad the operators are tweaking all possible combinations as the 1st step in seeing how to move in that direction...

                  --- On Sun, 10/25/09, Bernard Mwagiru <bmwagiru at gmail.com> wrote:

                    From: Bernard Mwagiru <bmwagiru at gmail.com>
                    Subject: Re: [Skunkworks] Safaricom to introduce unlimited internet service
                    To: "Skunkworks Forum" <skunkworks at lists.my.co.ke>
                    Date: Sunday, October 25, 2009, 12:55 PM

                    Thats Kbps not KBps...

                    On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Bernard Mwagiru <bmwagiru at gmail.com> wrote:

                      My peak is approx 260KBps. Average 140 KBps...
                      I don't doubt the capacities provided by the submarine fiber cables...Thats no longer a constraint now....My biggest worry is at the radio interface. The biggest bottleneck in any GSM/UMTS network is at the BTS/Node B level...You can have STM-1 capacities on the transmission but the bandwidth in the wireless medium diminishes exponentially as the number of users per cell increases. Also voice is always given a priority so again this should add to the congestion(remember the free calls ?)

                      Also, there's no info on how long this promo is(or whether it is a promo)...


                      On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Dennis Kioko <dmbuvi at gmail.com> wrote:

                        10 gigs at what rate Bernard? I think they now have extra bandwidth on
                        Teams, hence the unlimited product.


                        with Regards:

                        Get your free technology e-magazine in pdf format: Tekniaonline:

                        Maybe we should start a Reality show of collapsing buidlings:
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          Message: 2
          Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 16:15:02 +0300
          From: Edith Adera <eadera at idrc.or.ke>
          To: "kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke" <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
          Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
          Subject: Re: [kictanet] "Outsource our jobs? Why firms are afraid of
              <46563326FAEDB04F92FED3DB099C98BB1E31A53BB1 at esaroms07.ESARO.IDRC.ORG>
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          >From the article, it's clear that the sector has a long way to go!

          I recall during the BPO workshop at KICC, Dr Ndemo pledged to host a local workshop to bring stakeholders together (including these firms) to discuss these issues and explore how trust can be built to outsource to local BPO firms.

          The time is ripe.

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          Message: 3
          Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 16:22:39 +0300
          From: "Rad!" <conradakunga at gmail.com>
          To: Edith Adera <eadera at idrc.or.ke>
          Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
          Subject: Re: [kictanet] "Outsource our jobs? Why firms are afraid of
              <911107610910260622v59ad0a65k256f30c045a996e8 at mail.gmail.com>
          Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

          I would be interested in more initiatives to promote other BPO
          initiatives besides call centers. These have since become cliche. I
          have nothing against call centers but I think alternatives such as
          software development would contribute much more significantly towards
          the empowerment and skill of locals

          On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Edith Adera <eadera at idrc.or.ke> wrote:
          > Michael,
          > >From the article, it's clear that the sector has a long way to go!
          > I recall during the BPO workshop at KICC, Dr Ndemo pledged to host a local
          > workshop to bring stakeholders together (including these firms) to discuss
          > these issues and explore how trust can be built to outsource to local BPO
          > firms.
          > The time is ripe.
          > Edith
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          Message: 4
          Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 05:56:42 +0000
          From: "alice munyua" <alice at apc.org>
          To: "KICTANet KICTANet" <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
          Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
          Subject: [kictanet] Fw: press invite - kenya economic report 2009
              <1189514998-1256622995-cardhu_decombobulator_blackberry.rim.net-907620081- at bda192.bisx.produk.on.blackberry>
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          -----Original Message-----
          From: nmathu at treasury.go.ke
          Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 08:32:02 
          To: <nickwaitathu at financialpost.co.ke>
          Subject: press invite - kenya economic report 2009 launch

          Dear Partner,


          The Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) and
          the Ministry of State for Planning, National Development & Vision 2030
          cordially invite you to the Launch of the inaugural edition of the Kenya
          Economic Report (KER) 2009 on Wednesday 28th of October 2009 at the
          Kenya School of Monetary Studies starting at 9:00am.

          The Kenya Economic Report will be published annually and will primarily
          focus on the economic performance of the country over the previous one
          year and prospects for the following three years.

          The report, produced by KIPPRA in consultation with the Ministry of State
          for Planning, National Development & Vision 2030, Ministry of Finance and
          Central Bank of Kenya, shall be laid before the National Assembly by the
          Minister for Planning, National Development & Vision 2030.

          You are cordially invited to attend and cover this function.

          Nancy Mathu
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