[kictanet] Fwd: - Call for Applicants - Online Course on Global Norms Against Terrorism

Judy Okite judyokite at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 11:24:20 EAT 2009


apologies for cross posting.......

Kind Regards,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vladimir Radunovic <vladar at diplomacy.edu>
Date: Mar 25, 2009 7:55 PM
Subject: - Call for Applicants -   Online Course on Global Norms Against
To: IGCBP at diplomacy.edu

[image: UNODC-Diplo-Logos]

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The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and DiploFoundation are pleased
to present two new online courses on the universal legal regime against
terrorism: one for English-speaking participants, and one for
French-speaking participants. Both aim to strengthen national capacities by
assisting criminal justice officials and other individuals involved in
counter-terrorism issues to develop the skills and knowledge required to
effectively utilize the channels for international legal cooperation
envisaged in 16 treaties adopted within the UN system between 1963 and 2005,
and a number of binding resolutions of the Security Council.


The courses are conducted entirely online, over a period of 6 weeks. Reading
materials and tools for online interaction are provided through an online
classroom. Each week, participants read the provided lecture text, adding
questions, comments, and references in the form of hypertext entries.
Lecturers and other participants read and respond to the hypertext entries,
creating interaction based on the text. During the week, participants also
complete additional online activities. At the end of the week, participants
and lecturers meet online in a chat room to discuss the week's topic.
Courses are based on a collaborative approach to learning, with a high level
of interaction.

The courses are delivered by staff members of the Terrorism Prevention
Branch of the UNODC possessing experience in criminal justice issues and
extensive work experience in the provision of legal advisory services and
technical assistance worldwide.

*Practical Information*

*Fees:* Both courses are offered free of charge as part of a
capacity-building initiative on the part of UNODC.

*Timetable:* The course for English-speaking participants will begin during
the week starting 4 May 2009. The course for French-speaking participants
will begin during the week starting 18 May 2009. Selected applicants will
receive full details of the timetable before the course begins.

*Who should apply:* Criminal justice officers, practicing diplomats, civil
servants, and others who work in the legal areas of international
cooperation in criminal matters, or are involved in legislative drafting of
criminal law texts. Priority will be given to applicants from developing

*Requirements:* Applicants must:

§         hold a university degree in Law, preferably with specialization in
international/criminal law issues;

§         have at least three years work experience as legal practitioner or
governmental official. Involvement in international cooperation matters,
especially in criminal matters, is an asset;

§         possess sufficient ability in the course language to undertake
postgraduate level studies;

§         have unrestricted access to the Internet using Firefox or Internet
Explorer web browsers;

§         be ready to commit at least 6 hours per week to studies for the
duration of the course.

*How to Apply*

The application deadline for the English-language course is *13 April 2009*.
The application deadline for the French-language course is *20 April 2009*.

Please visit the UNODC website for further information and to apply:


[image: Diplo logo]

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