[kictanet] DiploFoundation Call for Applications IGCBP 2009]

alice alice at apc.org
Wed Jan 21 20:30:34 EAT 2009

Call for Applications

Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme 2009

DiploFoundation is currently accepting applications for the 2009 
Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme (IGCBP09). This online 
programme is designed to improve Internet governance (IG) related 
knowledge and skills for participants mainly from developing countries. 
The Programme also facilitates community-building among individuals with 
different national, cultural, and professional backgrounds.

The Programme

The programme offers 120 places for young professionals from diverse 
stakeholder backgrounds in IG-related fields and is open to individuals 
from around the world. The first two phases of the programme are 
conducted entirely online.

The programme includes three phases, which take place over eight months 
during 2009:

1. The online training phase consists of:

-- a 11-week long Foundation Course, introducing IG policy, process, and 
actors, and covering 5 thematic baskets: Infrastructure and 
Standardisation Basket, Legal Basket, Economic Basket, Socio-Cultural 
Basket, Development Basket, and a section on the IG Process and Actors;

-- a 7-week long module of the Advanced Course, covering one advanced 
topic to be chosen by each participant from a pool of modules such as: 
Intellectual Property Rights, Infrastructure and Economic Models of 
Interconnectivity, Privacy, Security and others.

Learning activities take place in an online classroom and include the 
analysis of course materials, interactive group discussions using a 
variety of communication tools, assignments, and exams.

Successful participants will receive a certificate of completion of the 

2. The online policy research phase is an optional 3-month period of 
supervised, collaborative online work focused on IG policy issues of 
highest relevance to developing countries, and is closely linked to 
training activities.

3. The optional policy immersion phase includes capacity-building 
fellowships awarded to a number of successful participants in the 
programme, such as internships with partner organisations including a 
fellowship with the IGF Secretariat in Geneva, and attendance at 
IG-related meetings, including the Internet Governance Forum later in 
the year.


Programme materials and the online platform website are fully in English.

Besides English-speaking groups, several bilingual groups will be formed 
for the foundation course, having English as the primary language, and 
either Arabic, French, Portuguese, or Spanish as the secondary language 
for communication and interaction.

Target Audience

Diplo seeks applications from the following categories of individuals 
from both developed and developing countries:

-- officials in government ministries and departments dealing with 
IG-related issues (e.g., telecommunications, education, foreign affairs, 

-- postgraduate students and researchers in the IG field (e.g., in 
telecommunications, electrical engineering, law, economics, development 

-- civil society activists in the IG field;

-- journalists covering IG issues;

-- individuals in Internet-business fields (e.g., ISPs, software 


2 March-17 May 2009 – Foundation Course on Internet Governance

25 May-17 July 2009 – Advanced Course on Internet Governance

1 September- 8 November 2009 – Policy Research Phase (optional)

July 2009 through 2009 – Policy Immersion (fellowships)


1) Foundation course: Euro 500.

2) Advanced course: Euro 500.

3) Research phase: Euro 200.

Applicants from developing countries (non-members of OECD) are eligible 
to apply for scholarship support for the programme - a number of full 
and partial scholarships will be offered. Applicants from developing 
countries who will require financial assistance to attend the course 
should remember to check the appropriate box on the Online Application Form.


The applicants are required to have:

-- basic awareness and interest in IG issues;

-- knowledge and/or experience of the multistakeholder approach in 
international affairs;

-- fluency in English, as well as fluency in the second language for the 
applicants to any of bilingual groups;

-- good writing skills, ability to summarize information and focus on 

-- regular access to the Internet (dial-up connection is sufficient);

-- minimum of 8 hours commitment per week during the programme. This is 
perhaps the single most important requirement and should be evaluated 
seriously by any potential applicants;

-- readiness to participate in online consultations (once a week at 
specified times).


The deadline for applications is 11 February 2009, by midnight UTC/GMT.

How to Apply

For further information and to apply, please visit:


Do not hesitate to contact us at ig at diplomacy.edu.

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