alice alice at apc.org
Fri Jan 16 09:27:57 EAT 2009



Specifically the evaluation will focus on:
*	To evaluate the network activities for the 4 years in relation
to service delivery and relevance to country goals, MDGs etc.
*	To identify ways to increase the relevance, impact, and
sustainability of the interventions, and of the project as a whole.  
*	Carry out a technology audit of tools being used for service
delivery and propose new tools
*	To assess the ALIN's structures for service delivery
*	To Recommendations improvements in relation to service delivery,
partnerships, donors etc. 

The scope of the external evaluation consultancy will be based on
developing tools for gathering comprehensive data from the field that
highlights key network impacts and also make recommendations for
improvement of ALIN. The general evaluation questions are: what is
working, what is not, and why. 

Main Activities
*	Review project monitoring reports and meet with relevant project
staff at both headquarters and in the field to learn about the range of
interventions that the project has been supporting. 

*	In collaboration with the ALIN team develop and agree on an
approach for randomly selecting member activities to be visited in the
field.  The approach should ensure that the sample of selected
activities includes a variety of intervention types.  

*	With the help of the ALIN team; prepare a detailed plan for
field visits to the selected community sites which includes logistical
arrangements.  The plan should specify how travel will be done and who
will accompany the researchers on the field trips including key
informants / members.

*	With the help of the ALIN team develop a plan for gathering
information at the selected project sites.  This may include structured
interviews with key informants, spontaneous group discussions, and
direct observation.  Share the plan with the ALIN team for feedback.   

*	Prepare an outline for the project activity reports and for the
final overall assessment report.  Share the outlines with the ALIN staff
for any feedback, and modify as necessary.  The plan for field visits
and for research will constitute the inception report for the

*	Carry out the plan for field research.  

*	After field visits, the consultant should analyze information
obtained from the visits and other sources (applying quantitative and
qualitative social science research methods) to draw conclusions about
the relevance, sustainability, and impact of the various project

*	Write draft report summarising the findings from the field
research and recommendations for improvement, based on the agreed
outline.  Present draft report to the ALIN team and stakeholders for
review and comment.  

*	Meet with the ALIN and stakeholders teams to discuss the
comments and to share experiences of the field research.   
*	Present the final report to the ALIN stakeholders.

Please send your expression of interest stating approach, number of
days, cost and CVs of people to be involved to;

Finance and Administration Manager,
Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN),
PO Box 10098,
00100 Nairobi GPO,

e-MAIL: admin at alin.or.ke 



James Nguo, Regional Director 

Arid Lands Information Network | AAYMCA Building, along State House
Crescent, Off State House Avenue |

P.O. Box 10098 - 00100 G.P.O. Nairobi, KENYA

email: james at alin.or.ke | Tel +254 20 2731557 | Telefax +254 20 2737813
| website: www.alin.or.ke 

-----Original Message-----
From: alice [mailto:alice at apc.org] 
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 5:48 PM
To: James Nguo
Subject: Re: M&E

Hi James

Please re-send the message you want disseminated through KICTAnet lists 
or try and re-send it again to the list.


> Hi Alice,
> I had sent a message for expression of interest for M&E for ALIN's 
> information activities through the KICTANET d-group but this was not 
> validated for circulation. Any chance this can be done through
> Best regards,
> **James Nguo**, Regional Director
> **Arid Lands Information Network** | AAYMCA Building, along State 
> House Crescent, Off State House Avenue |
> P.O. Box 10098 - 00100 G.P.O. Nairobi, KENYA
> **email**: james at alin.or.ke <mailto:james at alin.or.ke> | **Tel** +254 
> 20 2731557 | **Telefax** +254 20 2737813 | **website**: www.alin.or.ke

> <http://www.alin.or.ke/>

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