[kictanet] merry xmas and great new year @2010

Walubengo J jwalu at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 24 20:02:46 EAT 2009


talking of heroes (unfortunately no heroines as  yet ;-) i have several by category,

(Govt) Dr.Ndemo - for having the thick skin to survive yet another year on the list,

(Media)  D. Makali - for sparing no bullets whenever media was mentioned

(Academia) Prof. Waema, for joining in 5yrs late, but trying to  make up

(Private Sector), MJ, love him or hate him Safcom is here to stay

(Regulator), ?? this one is still open, maybe Alice may wish take it?

(Consumer) Alex G. yeah, for being very aggressive where consumers are being harassed

(Tech-Community) Either Rad! or Yawe. Both for being extremely witty, precise and deadly.

(Parliament), Rege, Hon, MP, Eng,  for paving the way that showed
that inded Govt and the public can mix on fairly equal footing. After
all, WE are Government.

(the rest) for being faithful  and silent readers of the many postings, good and bad.

Merry Xmas and prosperous 2010.


--- On Thu, 12/24/09, muriuki mureithi <mureithi at summitstrategies.co.ke> wrote:

From: muriuki mureithi <mureithi at summitstrategies.co.ke>
Subject: Re: [kictanet] merry xmas and great new year @2010
To: jwalu at yahoo.com
Cc: "'KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions'" <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
Date: Thursday, December 24, 2009, 6:46 PM


Thank you Clement  for not quitting   

The heat generated  is part of the game , however Kictanet had
deployed the services of a bouncer who delisted ( will have an e-jail under KCA
2009) those who hit below the belt . Am sure 2010 will be even more issue
driven and am sure you will be in the driving seat contributing . thank you for
recognising some of the heroes and heroines in the KICTANET list 2009 , these
were key drivers in the debate for the development of ICTs . They set a very high
standard of engaging stakeholders in the offices they  hold.  It is my hope that
the example set by the PS, CEO Safaricom and ICT board will be emulated by
other officer  as stewards of public trust and resources. 


I also hasten to recognise the great contributions we got from
the diaspora and friends of kenya. Cant forget  Eric  ( Eric here!!) Badru , McTim(
a name tells ----)  etc  etc  





[mailto:c_nyandiere at yahoo.com] 

Sent: 24 December 2009 17:07

To: mureithi at summitstrategies.co.ke

Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions

Subject: Re: [kictanet] merry xmas and great new year @2010 



You summed up the year's events and what you expect in the new year 2010.

Some us did more of the reading than commented. The year had some black spots
we need to check in coming year. Some of these are common with email
exchanges-- tendency to be impersonal.

I personally pray that in the new year, we engage in MORE constructive LESS
destructive discussions. 

At one point some of us contemplated quiting the group as there was increased
personalisation of issues and hitting out at colleagues in the sector. 

In the new year, I have told myself to read and reread every email I will post
here so that I annoy others LESS. I will also avoid using the forum to pour
down frustrations from other sources.

In this forum, we have our teachers as well as our students; employers as well
as employees; admirers as well as those we admire....but some of us are
probably strangers to each other! My two heroes and one heroine for 2009 
were the CEO of Safaricom, PS Ministry of Information and Communications, and
the Deputy CEO ICT Board (gracious lady). You probably know why they stand out.

Merry Christmas and Happy 2010



From: muriuki mureithi
<mureithi at summitstrategies.co.ke>

To: c_nyandiere at yahoo.com

Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
<kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>

Sent: Thu, December 24, 2009 3:55:11 PM

Subject: [kictanet] merry xmas and great new year @2010



year 2009 came in  fast and furious  - am sure you still remember KCA
amendment and the dust it blew on 2nd Jan 2009   ---- 


the year is going  and shortly will be history. 


that history – we , the ICT community ,  and of course the kictanet community
has participated in the writing( or is it  reading) that history . 
in 2009 we   recognised convergence, brought in electronic
transactions framework , more importantly more bandwidth than we know how to
use it  and took a major step to show Africa the way towards digital
broadcasting  ,   coordination efforts in international fora
e.g. IGF, ICANN   and on and on-----.  A lot or this was
conceived , discussed , killed , resurrected , critiqued , on the kictanet
platform. The greatest value of the  list  is the perspective of the
vigorous participation  on the list or off the list . from a very
 high level government perspective   in govt  led by PS Dr
Ndemo ,  ICT industry captains led by their  CEOs, regulators ,
techies , policy makers , the media , consultants, the academia, consumer
experts, students, development partners , users etc . Once again KICTANET list
lived to its promise – a platform to talk /share even if we do not necessary
agree. The message coming out is Kenya is on the verge of take-off  in
2010– we expect to see more in BPO industry ,  more activity on local
content both in the internet and broadcasting ,  more effort to bridge the
digital divide in our rural areas  and of course realisation of the
promise of much much cheaper bandwidth to the consumer  and of course a
very successful ICANN in March 2010 


such  activity in 2009 it was only appropriate  to close the year
with a visit of one Sir Tim  Berners-Lee the inventor of the www.  We
are moving,  KICTANET’s new year resolution is to bring the inventor of
the internet here early in 2010 


With that context  this is to
 wish you much love, light and merriment over the festive celebrations
ahead! May you thoroughly enjoy yourself, and feel the love, bounty, joy
and abundance that is who you are! May you also find time to be at peace with
yourself in stillness, and to reflect and experience more of the beauty of your
heart. In these quieter times may you receive and seed luminous dreams and
wondrous futures, and experience more of the love and truth of your being. 


Mureithi (MM) 






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