[kictanet] {Disarmed} Re: Question on ICT/BPO Park

bitange at jambo.co.ke bitange at jambo.co.ke
Wed Dec 23 20:01:30 EAT 2009

You are making assumptions that spoil the discussion.  First of all
Government did not pay above the market price.  Yes we want to have these
parks throughout the country.  It just happens that we started from

The reality is that we may not sufficient capacity support in Mumias at
the moment.  We shall move to most Provincial Cities before getting to

By the way if there is Land in Mumias for Ksh. 20,000 an acre, please let
me know.  I would invest pronto.



> Dr. Ndemo,
> Why does the park have to be in Athi River especially since the government
> is paying above market for the land?
> As a government you have the capacity to place the park anywhere is the
> country, how else will we urbanize other areas of the country if all
> activities are within 50 KM of Nairobi?
> I propose acquiring land in Mumias which will be a tenth of the price you
> are currently paying in Athi River with a added benefit of reliable power
> that is not dependent on rain.
> Nairobi is no Kenya.
> Regards
> Robert Yawe
> KAY System Technologies Ltd
> Phoenix House, 6th Floor
> P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200
> Kenya
> Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696
> --- On Wed, 23/12/09, bitange at jambo.co.ke <bitange at jambo.co.ke> wrote:
> From: bitange at jambo.co.ke <bitange at jambo.co.ke>
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] {Disarmed} Re:  Question on ICT/BPO Park
> To: robertyawe at yahoo.co.uk
> Cc: "KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions" <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
> Date: Wednesday, 23 December, 2009, 6:31
> Liko,
> The Government is only championing the construction of the Park that will
> cost in excess of $10 billion or one third of our GDP.  In Uganda yes the
> Private sector is putting the park up on Land provided by the Government.
> We are parctically doing the same only that most Government land was
> grapped.  Indeed if we need development, Government must begin to reaquire
> the land.  There is no investor coming to spend a fortune buying land.  It
> would have been prudent if your question was to understand the model we
> are employing in developing the mult-use (ICT, Science, Financial
> District, Multimedia) park in Athi River.
> Ndemo.
>> In Uganda ... a private investor is building ...
>> In Kenya ... GOK
>> My view is that this is not the best use for govt funds ... in this
>> sector
>> ... at his time :)
>> and location really sucks
>> merry xmas
>> On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 7:28 AM, robert yawe <robertyawe at yahoo.co.uk>
>> wrote:
>>> It is interesting what you find when searching the Internet, we
>>> seriously
>>> need to add some information on the web.
>>> We are unable to sort out a basic issue like procurement of land for
>>> the
>>> ICT Park, look at the following article on what our neighbour Uganda
>>> are
>>> doing.  Its time we stopped thinking that the whole world is waiting
>>> for
>>> us
>>> to clean our act, others are moving on.
>>> http://www.cio.com/article/375713/Indian_Investor_to_Build_US_200m_ICT_Park_in_Uganda
>>> Robert Yawe
>>> KAY System Technologies Ltd
>>> Phoenix House, 6th Floor
>>> P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200
>>> Kenya
>>> Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696
>>> robertyawe%40yahoo.co.uk<http://lists.kictanet.or.ke/mailman/options/kictanet/robertyawe%40yahoo.co.uk>
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