[kictanet] PS Ndemo, ECONET Scandal aand Vested Interests

Crystal Watley crystal at voicesofafrica.org
Tue Oct 7 19:01:50 EAT 2008

I have known Dr. Ndemo for some time now and have found him to be nothing
less than a man of integrity. I have seen his name drawn through the mud
next to other politicians in the past. Let me be very honest and frank in
this matter.

When are we in Kenya going to get past this political mud slinging and look
at the actual WORK performance of our leaders? When I watch the news I see
very few Kenyan political leaders really working. They are always
campaigning and pretending THAT is their job. In many cases it IS their way
of making money, although it is NOT what we pay them for doing.

Most of our political leaders do not have the ACTUAL work performance record
of Dr. Ndemo. We know the long hours he works. I have been in his office at
7 am and at 7 pm. Those of us of who know him have seen this is the rule NOT
the exception.

Someday I hope in Kenya we understand we must judge everyone in public
office by their actual work PERFORMANCE. Politicians are OUR employees. They
work for the people of Kenya. They should be judged as an employer views an
employee. How hard are they working for develoment? What good comes from
their initiatives? Are they professional? Are they in the office working? We
need to set higher standards for our government. This is not accomplished by
breaking the good ones down.

Asante sana.


On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 9:32 AM, Brian Munyao Longwe <brian at caret.net> wrote:

> Smells like a smear campaign to me.
> I see nothing that Ndemo has done wrong.
> B
> On Oct 7, 2008, at 8:43 AM, John Maina wrote:
> > http://www.wananchiforums.com/showthread.php?p=3150#post3150
> >
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Crystal "Naliaka" Watley
Voices of Africa
crystal at voicesofafrica.org

"You must be the change you wish to see" - Gandhi
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