[kictanet] CS speakers for IGF opening and closing sessions]

alice alice at apc.org
Tue Nov 18 18:01:17 EAT 2008

Dear all

For all those from civil society planning to attend the India IGF in 


>From: Jeanette Hofmann <jeanette at wzb.eu>
>To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
>Subject: [governance] CS speakers for IGF opening and closing sessions
>the good news is that civil society has speaking positions to fill 
>for Hyderabad, two for the opening session, one for the closing 
>session. The bad news is that we have only one week to send a list 
>of names to the secretariat.
>The secretariat would welcome a list with more than three names to 
>have some flexibility for regional balancing.
>Considering the context, we need accomplished speakers with standing 
>in civil society.
>Gender balance is taken seriously, names of female speakers are 
>particularly welcome!
>I have been told that the two speakers from the private sector are 
>both from India. So, we may propose additional speakers from India 
>but in terms of regional balance, suggestions for speakers from 
>Africa and Latin America may be more successful.
>Everyone is encouraged to distribute this call for speakers. And, of 
>course, everyone is free to send suggestions for speakers to the 
>secretariat directly. However, for practical reasons I would suggest 
>that the IGC mailing list assumes a coordinating role and aims to 
>put together a list of names that enjoys support from its members 
>and other groups.
>The secretariat wishes to hear from us until Nov. 26. Can we manage this?
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