[kictanet] FW: Advert for the position of Website Editing Specialist

Edith Adera eadera at idrc.or.ke
Mon Jun 30 10:22:59 EAT 2008

-----Original Message-----
From: kmuthembwa at worldbank.org [mailto:kmuthembwa at worldbank.org] 
Sent: 30 June 2008 10:19
Subject: Advert for the position of Website Editing Specialist

Please forward to your contacts

(See attached file: Advert - Website Editing Specialist - 24th June

Keziah Muthembwa
Public Information Officer
World Bank, Kenya Office
Box 30577 00100 Nairobi
Tel: 254 20 3226484

"The past cannot be changed, the future is still in your power." - Hugh
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