[kictanet] Muzzling Expression, Maiming and Killing

John Walubengo jwalu at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 31 10:39:36 EAT 2008

Hey Shem,

Pole bwana. Make sure u stay alive.  But i think it will turn out to be normal thuggery. I trust Kenya has moved beyond censorship by way of elimination. 

NB: I forget which American President that said - 'I may dislike what you say, but I will protect your right to say it'

--- On Wed, 7/30/08, Shem Ochuodho <shemochuodho at yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: Shem Ochuodho <shemochuodho at yahoo.com>
> Subject: [kictanet] Muzzling Expression, Maiming and Killing
> To: jwalu at yahoo.com
> Cc: "Robert Onyango-Alai Kigoma" <alai.robert at gmail.com>, "KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions" <kictanet at lists.kictanet.or.ke>
> Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 7:21 PM
> Did I see a posting in this space talking of: 'gagging
> the media, threatening, maiming or killing'?
> Last night we had a 30-minute harrowing ordeal. Suspected
> thieves broke into our compound, tried to break into our
> house but were repelled by a combination of good
> neighbours, police and security guards. I would want to
> treat it as a normal insecurity incidence, unrelated to
> the concerns above that have been flying in this space.
> It is interesting, however, why pick on our house, amidst
> (and in between) several!
> At another level, there are a host of fundamental things
> that we have to address as a nation if we have to avoid
> being a failed state, and one of them is insecurity. Of the
> nearly 40 Africa's capital cities I have had the
> privilege to stay in, Kigali is probably the safest. In
> fact, contrary to the outside perception of the genocide,
> insecurity, etc, Kigali could well be one of the safest
> cities on earth. Addis isn't any much worse! If
> Nairobi/Kenya is to reclaim its glory, security has to be
> restored, along with the other fundamental 'go
> wrongs'.
> I pray that no one else - both on and off these lists - go
> through that kind of trauma.
> Best rgrds,
> Shem 
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