[kictanet] Day 3 of 10: What threats would face Regulators as they adopt service provision over the web

John Walubengo jwalu at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 12 08:59:07 EAT 2007

....just opening up day 3. hope all the silent participants
can say something today, particularly those outside .KE,
plse share your experiences...

Back to the thread. It is important to say that this thread
is not there to dissuade Regulators going online but rather
to ensure that they would do so after taking the necessary
precautions. I would imagine that once the Regulators put
their services onine, they would face the same challenges
or threats as any other entity that gets online.  Security
books would tell you that the threats would revolve around
the following:

Confidentiality: restricting data to the authorised
Integrity: ensuring that the stored data in not illegally
Availability: ensuring that online services are operational
as required by the customers/stakeholders
Non-repudiability: ensuring that e-Transactions can be
tracked back to the originator

We need to think like hackers here.  Assuming you had the
time, the motive and the skill, what would you want to lay
your hands on from the e-Regulators?

1 -day on this thread. Keep your comments coming and fear
not since we are yet to have e-Legislation in this part of
world ;-).


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