[kictanet] Fwd: [TIER] UN agreement on freeing spectrum for wireless
Eric Osiakwan
eric at afrispa.org
Tue Nov 20 07:57:05 EAT 2007
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Jennifer Bussell <jbussell at berkeley.edu>
> Date: 19 November 2007 19:54:38 GMT+03:00
> To: TIER <tier at tier.cs.berkeley.edu>
> Subject: [TIER] UN agreement on freeing spectrum for wireless
> http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/2ece0dd2-962c-11dc-b7ec-0000779fd2ac.html
> Radio spectrum freed for mobiles
> By Frances Williams in Geneva
> Published: November 19 2007 01:23 | Last updated: November 19 2007
> 01:23
> Valuable radio spectrum now used mainly by broadcasters is to be
> opened up to broadband services offered by mobile phone operators
> under a United Nations agreement endorsed on Friday by governments
> from over 160 countries.
> For the first time, the decision will provide a common chunk of
> spectrum for mobile broadband services globally, boosting the
> market for new wireless technologies. It is also expected to reduce
> significantly the cost of expanding mobile networks in poor or
> predominantly rural nations.
> The accord follows a month-long diplomatic conference that pitted
> traditional broadcasters against mobile phone operators in a battle
> over who should benefit from the “digital dividend” provided by the
> continuing switch from analogue to digital television.
> Digital signals require much less bandwidth, freeing space in the
> coveted ultra-high frequency (UHF) band, which has been the almost
> exclusive preserve of broadcasters.
> Mobile phone companies have pushed for access to the UHF band for
> two reasons. One is that the quality signals support high-speed
> mobile broadband connections, enabling faster downloads of data and
> video to mobile devices and encouraging the development of new
> internet-based services.
> The other is that UHF signals can penetrate buildings and travel
> long distances, so fewer base stations are required for coverage of
> large areas, cheapening the cost of rolling out wireless broadband
> networks.
> Under the deal, the Americas and much of Asia, including China and
> India, will open up the 698-806 Megahertz band to mobile wireless
> broadband services between now and 2015 as the transition from
> analogue to digital television proceeds.
> In Europe, Africa and the Middle East, where broadcasters have
> retained a bigger share of UHF spectrum, only the 790-862 Megahertz
> band will be available for mobile wireless broadband and not before
> 2015.
> Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007
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Eric M.K Osiakwan
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