[kictanet] Day 5 - Statistics on Affordability - CCK InternetStudy Report

Kai Wulff kai.wulff at kdn.co.ke
Thu May 3 10:17:39 EAT 2007

I would say more local content because 90%+ of the costs are imported 
content and capacity!



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Walubengo" <jwalubengo at kcct.ac.ke>
To: <kai.wulff at kdn.co.ke>
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 09:01
Subject: [kictanet] Day 5 - Statistics on Affordability - CCK InternetStudy 

> Day 5- Statistics on Affordability.
> I acknowledge an interesting thread filtering in on Trust relationships 
> b/w IGOs/ISPs...feel  free to continue contributing on that as well as on 
> today's theme on affordability (multi-tasking
> encouraged by internet technologies ...)
> and just to pick up from Kai's projection of KDN fiber hitting Bungoma in 
> early August 2007.  This would be quite a welcome and timely development, 
> but at what cost to the consumer? To  what extend will the (internet) 
> services be affordable to the rural/average communities?
> Affordability is a subjective term gven that what is considered cheap by 
> the Bill Gates of  this world is probably not so for the average Kenyan on 
> the street.  In trying to get an  objective measurement for affordability, 
> the Report pegged it on the national average  incomes.  In other words, if 
> the monthly average income in Kenya is around 100USD and if the  average 
> monthly cost for internet access is also around 100USD then obviously the 
> average  Kenyan will not bother with accessing the Internet - it just 
> becomes way beyond their means  or too expensive or not affordable.
> The report indicated that access through the more convenient Internet 
> Dial-up/Desktop  services costed over 200% the average incomes (too 
> expensive), while the same access through  mobile phones was costing just 
> 8% of the average incomes (quite affordable).  What needs to  be done in 
> order to make Internet Services more afforable to Kenyans?
> 1 day deliberation on this one.
> walu.
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