[kictanet] - Call - International Essay Contest for Young People 2007

Brian Longwe brian at isisweb.nl
Tue Mar 13 00:10:27 EAT 2007


Begin forwarded message:

> [forwarded message, on behalf of Raquel Aguirre]
> International Essay Contest for Young People 2007
> Theme:
> "The role of media and information and communication technologies  
> in building a peaceful world"-- TV, radio, Internet and other forms  
> of media have great influence in shaping our lives and society.  
> What should be the role of the media and communication technologies  
> in the future. How would you make use of these various tools of  
> communication to help create a better world.
> More info:
> http://www.goipeace.or.jp/english/activities/programs/0702_00.htm

Brian Longwe					+254(0) 20 445 2327 - t
Chief Executive Officer			+254(0) 722 518744 - m
InHand Limited					+254(0) 733 518744 - m
M3, Westlands Court,			+254(0) 20 374 7881 - f
Westlands Close, Westlands Rd.	www.inhand.co.ke
P.O. Box 30054-00100			SIP: 30753274 at sip.epygi.com
Nairobi, Kenya

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