[Kictanet] Nationmedia.com News: Kibaki launches vision for growth

alice at apc.org alice at apc.org
Wed Nov 1 10:02:50 EAT 2006

The plan also mentions creation of ministerial committee headed by P.S from 
various ministries and involving stakeholders to identify sector specific 
visions/constraints, etc
This is good for all stakeholders and we should take the opportunity to work 
with our ministry and P.S.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nation Media" <news at nationmedia.com>
To: <alice at apc.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 9:22 PM
Subject: [Kictanet] Nationmedia.com News: Kibaki launches vision for growth

>                        eadera at idrc.or.ke has sent you this article from 
> Nationmedia.com with this message:
>                        Colleagues, It is TRAGIC! that vision 2030 has not 
> given prominence to the role of ICTs as an enabler - it's not highlighted 
> in the article, maybe in the document itself?. Who's working on the 
> strategy to deliver this vision? and what role can we play as KICTANET to 
> change this? This is a challenge I throw to all of us! We must do 
> something! The countries mentioned in this article have been fundamentally 
> transformed by ICTs. your views on practical steps we can take to ensure 
> ICTs are well integrated in the strategy? Edith
>                        Kibaki launches vision for growth
>                        Published: 10/31/2006
>                        By: MUGO NJERU
> --------------------------------------------------------
>                              President Kibaki yesterday launched an 
> ambitious economic programme aimed at transforming Kenya into an economic 
> powerhouse with a sustainable growth rate of 10 per cent by 2030.
>                              The President told leaders to keep politics 
> out of the project dubbed Kenya Vision 2030.
>                                President Kibaki greets Nation CEO Wilfred 
> Kiboro and other members of the National Economic and Social Council 
> yesterday before officially launching Vision 2030 at KICC in Nairobi. The 
> vision is expected to transform Kenya into a prosperous nation. 
> Photo/William Oeri.
>                              He said: "Vision 2030 goes beyond any single 
> government, party, political persuasion or religion. It is a call to all 
> Kenyans to make it possible for us to wipe out from our land absolute 
> poverty, famine, mass unemployment and preventable deaths from malaria and 
> water-borne diseases."
>                              Although President Kibaki said he was 
> optimistic that the development goal would be achieved, it will depend on 
> how the country manages its affairs in the next five years.
>                              High quality of life
>                              "Under Vision 2030, we see ourselves becoming 
> a middle-income, prosperous country, providing a high quality of life for 
> all our people," the President said at the launch of the initiative at the 
> Kenyatta International Conference Centre in Nairobi.
>                              To realise the goal, he said Kenyans must 
> build on the competitive advantages in key sectors of the economy to 
> expand the country's share of the global market.
>                              Besides the 10 per cent growth over 25 years, 
> another pillar of the programme will be building a just and cohesive 
> society with equitable social development and a clean and secure 
> environment.
>                              The initiative also aims at building a 
> democratic political system that nurtures issue-based politics, the rule 
> of law and protects the rights and freedoms of every individual and 
> society.
>                              Several leaders at the meeting described the 
> vision as noble and said it should be supported by all Kenyans. ODM Kenya 
> secretary-general Anyang Nyong'o said the vision was good but its success 
> would depend on the goodwill of successive governments. "The Government 
> and the opposition are united on this vision," he said.
>                              Finance minister Amos Kimunya said its 
> success depended on people working together as one nation.
>                              He and other speakers said it was possible to 
> propel the country to the levels of economies like Malaysia, Singapore, 
> Indonesia, Chile and South Korea, most of which which were in the same 
> economic footing with Kenya in the 1970s.
>                              Trade and Industry minister Mukhisa Kituyi 
> said the vision is achievable if it is not held hostage by any government 
> and if it receives support from the media and the private sector.
>                              President Kibaki said for the country to 
> realise the success of the vision, it was important to put in place a 
> clear strategy detailing what needed to be achieved for each of the 
> pillars of the programme for the next five years.
>                              He said that over the years, coffee 
> production has been declining from over 120,000 tons a year to less than 
> 50,000 this year, which had a devastating effect on farmers' incomes and 
> employment opportunities.
>                              "We need to make sure that under Vision 2030, 
> the strategies that will be developed will not repeat the mistakes of the 
> past and avoid imposing a costly burden on the people of this country," he 
> said.
>                              On manufacturing, the President said the 
> sector had barely grown in the last 20 years. "The textile industry which 
> was very vibrant in 1970s and 1980s has virtually been wiped out while the 
> EPZ-based enterprises are experiencing serious competition in the global 
> market," he said.
>                              Leather and other livestock-related 
> industries have also not made significant breakthroughs in the global 
> market although these are sectors in which Kenya could have competitive 
> advantage and growth if the right strategies and policies were applied.
>                              "I challenge the experts who are developing 
> the strategies to pay special attention to these sectors for the next five 
> years, because they have the greatest potential for delivering widely 
> shared economic and social benefits for the Kenyan people," President 
> Kibaki said.
>                              On tourism, he noted that although the number 
> of tourists visiting Kenya had increased over the last few years, income 
> from the sector was far below that of small European countries, the 
> Caribbean and North Africa.
>                              With proper planning and investment, the 
> country should be able to attract and accommodate five million tourists by 
> 2012, the President said.
>                              He said the economic performance of any 
> country was closely tied to the application of science and technology and 
> that was why the country was investing considerably in higher education 
> and research institutions.
>                              The vision strategy, he said, should be 
> geared towards enhancing Kenya's scientific and technological capacity, 
> promoting a scientific culture and integrating science and technology into 
> the production and service sectors.
>                              There was also need to expand, upgrade and 
> sustain health facilities while ensuring that they remain accessible and 
> affordable to all Kenyans.
>                              President Kibaki said rapid urban population 
> growth had resulted in serious unemployment, growing slums and an increase 
> of hawkers. It was also causing a severe strain on the provision of 
> services such as maintenance of law and order, water supply, sewerage and 
> sanitation, education and health facilities.
>                              The President said: "Effective planning of 
> and ability to enforce compliance for the proper administration of our 
> cities and major towns requires to be accorded high priority in the 
> strategies that will be developed to meet the challenges of urbanisation."
>                              He directed that measures to wipe out slums 
> and replace them with well-planned, low-cost houses in all major towns be 
> implemented without delay.
> --------------------------------------------------------
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