[Kictanet] Re: What is your Vision for KICTANet?-say something!!!

Bill Kagai billkagai at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 11:37:14 EAT 2006

On 8/7/06, John Walubengo <jwalu at yahoo.com> wrote:
> how different (if so) do you
> feel it should proceed?

There is now need to link ICT to wealth creation and access to public
services. As we head towards the completion of the Economic Recovery
Strategy 2003-2007
we should be able to gauge penetration and use of ICT and how lack of
the same has hindered growth.

If your report requires case studies then I can refer you to the
following as an indicator on how we (at C&P) are using ICT to achieve
the said objectives.


With Kind Regards,
Bildad Kagai
MD - Circuits & Packets Communications Ltd
Content & Training Partner - JKUAT E-Government Academy
Suite B2, Tetu Apartments, State House Avenue
P. O. Box 20311 - 00200
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel. 254 20 2728332
Fax. 254 20 2726965
Cell. 254 724 226600
URL. www.circuitspackets.co.ke
URL. www.JKUATEgovAcademy.ac.ke

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