[Kictanet] strengthening Africa's media

Muriuki Mureithi mureithi at summitstrategies.co.ke
Wed Apr 19 14:20:40 EAT 2006

This may be of interest 



From: Grace Githaiga [mailto:ggithaiga at econewsafrica.org] 
Sent: 19 April 2006 09:29
To: emmutuakombo at stcloudstate.edu; mureithi at summitstrategies.co.ke; KIPlist;
alice at apc.org; AMWIK; amarc at amarc.org
Subject: Fw: online forum



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Africa Media <mailto:africamedia at uneca.org>  Group 

To: Aulora Stally astally <mailto:Aulora_Stally_astally at zol.co.zw>  ; Grace
<mailto:ggithaiga at econewsafrica.org>  Githaiga ; Manoah Esipisu
<mailto:Manoah.Esipisu at reuters.com>  ; Edetaen
<mailto:edet at mediarightsagenda.org>  Ojo ; Fackson <mailto:f.banda at ru.ac.za>
Banda ; Jeanette Minnie jcmin <mailto:Jeanette_Minnie_jcmin at iafrica.com>  ;
John Mukela <mailto:mukela at nsjtraining.org>  ; Diana
<mailto:dsenghor at panos-ao.org>  Senghor ; Mike Daka
<mailto:breezefm.zamtel.zm at uneca.un.org>  

Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 12:32 PM

Subject: online forum


Dear all, 

Please kindly share this message with your networks. 



Dear colleague, 

As a media practitioner working in or on Africa, we're writing to invite you
to participate in 'Strengthening Africa's Media', an online forum - due to
kick off on Thursday 20 April 2006 and lasts for 12 weeks. 

The forum will provide a platform for African media actors, in collaboration
with their support partners, to articulate concerns and perspectives,
identify priority issues and areas requiring support, and propose concrete
initiatives and programmes towards a strengthened media sector.  We define
media inclusively, spanning the mainstream press and broadcast media,
alternative and community media, civil society media, formal and non-formal
communication, and new media. The definition also includes special interest
media, addressing cross-cutting concerns such as gender equity and human

The 'Strengthening' online forum is part of a broader consultation process -
supported by the Department for International Development (DFID) - that
includes physical meetings, both at sub-regional level and on specific
issues of concern. Your views will form the basis of a 'Strategic Framework
for Strengthening Media in Africa', a document intended to make the case for
enhanced investment in media. What you have to say will also be of critical
importance in framing the issues for a Stakeholder Conference, to be held in
September 2006, at which the priorities for strengthening Africa's media
will be further discussed and agreed upon. 

The content of the electronic consultation will be structured around four
groups of media actors - Owners, Practitioners, Trainers and Support
Organizations. Two weeks will be dedicated to discussions related to each
group, with a two-week period of open discussion at the end during which the
main points contributed will be revisited and summarized. Each segment of
the consultation will be informed by a series of questions. 

These questions, along with instructions on how to participate, will be sent
to you in a Welcome Message which you will receive once you confirm that you
are interested in taking part. Once we get confirmation from you, we will
register you and you will receive the Welcome Message and guidelines as to
how to participate. Should you wish to do so, you can also sign up on your
own by visiting http://www.dgroups.org/groups/AMDP and following the

We look forward to hearing from you and hope that you can join us in what
promises to be a lively and stimulating discussion! 

Best regards 

Martha Mogus 
For the Secretariat 
'Strengthening Africa's Media' 
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 
africamedia at uneca.org

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