John Walubengo jwalubengo at kcct.ac.ke
Fri May 27 04:56:35 EAT 2005

seconded.  I like the afternoon idea.

afternoon means we don't have to miss a whole day from our offices...but it also means we miss the lunch Lizette had offered...but maybe she could convert it into a cocktail or dinner -  if we cross our fingers hard (;-)


>>> <alice at apc.org> 05/27/05 10:35am >>>
Hi Lizette
Thanks. Could we push the meeting to the afternoon instead of morning hours?
perhaps from 4.00 p.m.?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lizette Kraft" <lkraft at idrc.or.ke>
To: <kictanet at Kictanet.or.ke>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 2:28 PM
Subject: [Kictanet] KICTANET MEETING!

> To All Members,
> This is to inform you all that the next KICTANET Meeting will be held on 
> Thursday, 2nd June, 2005 at the Jacaranda Hotel, at 10:00 am.
> Kindly note that everyone's participation is paramount and it will be 
> appreciated if all members diarise this date and make every effort to 
> attend this important meeting.
> The Agenda will be as follows :
> 1.      The Mombasa Multi-Stakeholder Conference
> 2.      Proposal - Joint AWP (Annual Work Plan)
> 3.      The Way forward
> 4.      AOB
> Attached is the draft minutes for your perusal.
> Kindly confirm your attendance to the sender of this email and any 
> additions to the Agenda.
> With kind regards
> Lizette Kraft
> Project Assistant
> Kenya ICT Policy Project - IDRC
> Nairobi
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> kictanet at kictanet.or.ke 
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