[Kictanet] WSIS

Monica Kerretts-Makau m.kerretts at unsw.edu.au
Fri Aug 26 04:48:29 EAT 2005

While i agree with Waudo and Florence as regards WSIS,

I think we need to be reminded of the structure and protocol of WSIS, who it
is for and how it is administered. For that please see http://www.itu
(It is first and foremost a government stakeholder meeting in which all
other stakeholders are invited participants)

As was evidence in the Accra precom meeting it was obvious we lacked certain
modalities.( details which those present raised after Accra see below ) I
believe we agreed to change things and this is the time to do so.

In this respect,I believe we have a WSIS team (government organ) chaired by
Katundu Michael of CCK. Since WSIS is first and foremost a government
stakeholder meeting with all other stakeholders (ie. civil society as
invited participants) i think we should ensure that proper protocol is
followed in this regard and direction should be led from this team and the
PS who commissioned this team?

At the end of the day implementing of policy while possible from civil
society ( as evidence by Kicanet and all other NGO activities going on
country wide) -government needs to lead the way.

What we as KIP/KiCTNet should be demanding is to be included as part of the
delegation such that the structure that represents in Kenya is inclusive of
all stakeholders and that we feed off each other given our respective
strengths expertise and authority.

Previous uses raised/observed at WSIS meetings

Kenya’s participation in international policy making-A brief from Accra
WSIS conference
I wish to make some comments /suggestions based on observations on
International participation and policy making:
The issues:
Ø       At the Accra conference it was observed that most of the Kenyans
present were unaware of their colleagues and which organizations they
Ø       It was also evident that the split in participation was delineated
along the lines of Civil Society, Government, Private sector and Media
Ø       Many had not been involved in Policy making from an international
(Africa regional perspective) and therefore due process and how things were
conducted was lacking
Ø       There was also a lack of knowledge on the ongoing issues of WSIS
and its history by many of the participants who had come in for the first

The following was suggested from the Kenyan meeting held with the PS
Ø       Kenya’s participation (as a country, more so in this case the ICT
sector) should be representative of all sectors of the economy. Therefore
Private sector, civil society , media and Government as stakeholders should
be part of the team involved in regional participation . This would ensure
that we have all stakeholders have adequate representation in meetings and
are well briefed on what Kenya’s position is on the various issues.
Ø       All meetings should have frequent update and feedback. A wonderful
case in point is a representative at the UN WGIG Waudo who has involved all
participants through the KIP list of the current deliberations as well as
what is taking place.as well as the Kenya Policy coordinator- Dr.
Florence Etta and all involved at IDRC who have facilitated an inclusive
stakeholder participation through the use of a group email KIP LIST
Ø       As Kenyans we may need to ensure that this goes on irrespective of
It was concluded that a report and feedback be done on the various issues

We all need to change our attitude on who takes part in policy making.
Policy making is not a prerogative of Government but rather the
participation and inclusiveness of all stakeholders in society. The
Governments role is to ensure that these suggestions are mandated through
Acts in parliament. It is noted with disappointment that Parliament is no
longer a place where policies are mandated and hope to see this change in
the near future
The Governments central role in policy making necessitates that they would
in most cases receive the invitation to take part in regional and
international meetings. It is suggested that the Government take a more
participatory role in inviting stakeholders to such meetings.
The continuity of policy making is crucial to the development of any
sector. It is suggested that an update on all meetings pertaining to
Kenya’s role in the international and regional arena in ICT be documented
and our position stated for each meeting. The ministry website
www.information.go.ke would probably be a good place to compile this.
Questions to be addressed:
Ø       How can we ensure effective participation in policy making?
Ø       How can government ensure that representation to meetings is
efficiently and effectively coordinated?
Ø       How can we ensure that feedback from such meetings is channeled
through to the grassroots and/or all stakeholders?
Ø       What channels can best be used for this?

Best wishes

Monica Kerretts-Makau
ICT policy Analyst
PhD Candidate and Academic Staff
School of Social Science and Policy
International relations and Policy
Morven Brown G22
Tel: 61-2-9385 2331
Fax: 61-2-9385 1040
Email: m.kerretts at unsw.edu.au
Blog: www.pampazuka.blogspot.com
-------Original Message-------
From: KIPlist
Date: 08/26/05 00:18:21
To: KIPlist
Cc: kiplist-cl at lyris.idrc.ca
Subject: Re: Fwd: [wsisnigeria] FW: ONE DAY STAKEHOLDERS MEETING ON WSIS
Sure this preparation is crucial. But it needs a champion, facilitation and
implementation. My suggestion is Florence, IDRC and KiCTNet respectively.
Waudo Siganga
At 05:46 AM 8/25/2005, Florence Etta wrote:
>Below fyi
>Anything similar happening here? I. e Participatory preparation for
>prepcom 3 and WSIS Tunis.
>Who's planning it? Is KICTAnet involved or should it? We need to copy good
>practice where ever we find it. No?
>I am sorry if there has been or is work ongoing on this matter. I have
>been away for a long time.
>>  =======================================
>>Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 10:08:12 +0100
>>From: Majekodunmi Oluwolw [mailto:oluwole_majekodunmi at msn.com]
>>Sent: Tue 8/23/2005 2:08 PM
>>To: ehikioya at ncc.gov.ng; rebloome at yahoo.com; bolaji28 at yahoo.com;
>>felix_aniokoye at yahoo.com; rolaitan at fmf.gov.ng; wareowei at yahoo.com;
>>eunice.sampson at zenithbank.com; volatunji at nitda.gov; VINCENT OLATUNJI
>>         The PrepCom-3 meeting for the Second Phase of the World Summit on
>>Information Society (WSIS) is scheduled to hold in Geneva from 19th 30th
>>September, 2005. This will prepare the ground for the Summit proper in
>>from 16th 19th November, 2005.
>>2.      The National Planning Committee for the Second Phase of WSIS has
>>scheduled an interactive session with representatives of other
>>on the Country s participation in the PrepCom-3 meeting in Geneva. The
>>meeting will discuss some of the key issues regarding the Second Phase of
>>3.      Based on your previous participation and interest shown in the
>>process, you are invited to this meeting which has been scheduled to hold
>>the Nigerian Communications Commission, Conference Room on Thursday 1st
>>September, 2005 at 12.00pm.
>>4.      Please note that each participant will be responsible for the cost
>>their participation at this meeting.
>>5.      Participants representing Stakeholders are to prepare to make
>>on activities of their groups to allow for greater harmonisation of our
>>input into the PrepCom-3 meeting.  Please confirm your participation or
>>representatives to the under signed.
>>Majekodunmi, O. O.
>>for: Honourable Minister of Communications
>>Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
>>    *  Visit your group
>> "<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wsisnigeria>wsisnigeria" on the web.
>>    *
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>> <http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/>Yahoo! Terms of Service.
>Submitted by: Florence Etta <Fetta at idrc.or.ke> 2005-08-25 08:52:02 EDT4
>(Please reply to original submitter for private communication)
>You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [csk at nbi.ispkenya.com]
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Submitted by: csk at nbi.ispkenya.com 2005-08-25 10:21:36 EDT4
(Please reply to original submitter for private communication)
You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [m.kerretts at unsw.edu.au]
To unsubscribe, forward this message to leave-kiplist-cl-101723S at lyris.idrc.ca
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