[Kictanet] Fwd: Putting Technology to Work in the Community Sector

Florence Etta Fetta at idrc.or.ke
Wed Aug 3 11:19:41 EAT 2005

Hi all,
Maybe the next ICT Convention (2006) should focus on the theme above; see 
Sorry for cross posting.

>Putting Technology to Work in the Community Sector
>Sydney, 14th - 15th November 2005
>A conference for community and non-government workers will show it's
>not only corporate giants and dotcoms that can successfully harness
>the power of the World Wide Web.
>Representatives from community agencies and NGOs around the country
>will come together in Sydney in November to share their experiences
>of employing information and communication technologies (ICTs) for
>community building and improved service delivery.
>Making Links 2005 - "Putting technology to work in the community
>sector"' will be held on 14 and 15 November 2005 at the University of
>Technology Sydney (UTS). Participating NGO and community workers will
>gain an understanding of the application of ICTs in community work,
>as well as the fundamental tools for website development.
>Call for papers Papers are invited from community sector or NGO
>workers with ICT successes - or lessons - to share within the themes:
>NGOs and IT;
>Community Building and Social Capital;
>Web Development; and
>hands-on technical workshops.
>Registrations: Open 27 July 2005
>Jill Sergeant
>Website Officer
>Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO)
>PO Box 51 King St Newtown NSW 2042
>Ph: 02 8568 1106
>Fax: 02 9557 9867
>Switchboard:  02 9557 9399
>Marcus Foth
>MA(DigitalMedia) BCompSc(Hons) BMultimedia
>m.foth at qut.edu.au - http://www.vrolik.de/
>Research Associate
>Creative Industries Research and Applications Centre
>Queensland University of Technology (CRICOS No. 00213J)
>Creative Industries Precinct, Brisbane QLD 4059, Australia
>Phone +61 7 3864 3800 - Fax +61 7 3864 3723

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